Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 113 Spending One Life To Repent

Chapter 113 Spend Your Life Repenting

Yao Yuxing didn't care to listen to this, she only knew that Cen Lixiang could help her leave.But Cen Lixiang didn't believe her determination to leave Tang Yichen, she looked at Cen Lixiang slowly, tears fell, "Grandma Tang, I'm a mother with a child, I just want to find a place where no one else can find me, and live a good life, For this involvement with Tang Yichen, I will spend my whole life repenting. I just want to raise my son, and I don't want to bother with other things at all."

"Didn't you stay with Tang Yichen because of his money?" Cen Lixiang was still full of doubts, "And what about Nianxuan, whose child is he?"

"Forgive me for this, but he will definitely not be Tang Yichen's child anyway, and this will not cause you any trouble!" Yao Yuxing assured, "Grandma Tang, if you can really help me leave, then you Can you get me out of here as soon as possible?"

"You really want to leave?" Cen Lixiang couldn't believe it, she looked at Yao Yuxing suspiciously, "You left Yichen, can you still live?"

"If I continue to stay by his side, I'm afraid I won't be able to survive!" Her eyes were full of grievances, and she bit her trembling lips, "Grandma Tang, Tang Yichen is perfect in your eyes, but in mine In my eyes, he is a sick satanic demon! He strangles my throat all the time, making me breathless, I really have had enough of his abuse, and I can't bear the love he gives!"

As soon as she thought of Tang Yichen's overbearing, her heart began to tremble.

She continued to beg Cen Lixiang, "I believe you don't want to see my existence destroy the joint venture between the Tang family and the Shangguan family. I'm just a passer-by for you. No matter what relationship I have with your Tang family, I don't care." These relationships, I just want to go back to my old life."

Cen Lixiang pondered for a while, and then said: "I have investigated your mother's affairs, your mother is sick, you can only choose between your mother and your son, if it wasn't for me, how would I know if you just talked about leaving?" That's all."

"No! If I want to leave, I have to take my mother away too! I can't let her stay here alone!" Yao Yuxing became excited when he heard Cen Lixiang's words, "Have you ever thought that if Tang Yichen knew that I left , if he uses my mother to force me to show up, your plan to send me away will only come to naught."

"Don't worry, we've already settled your mother. As long as you promise me to leave forever, I will ask someone to bring her to meet you for a few days every year." Cen Lixiang said lightly.

"What did you do to my mother! My mother is innocent!" Yao Yuxing's pupils widened suddenly, and she crawled up to Cen Lixiang on her knees, "Grandma Tang, I beg you, don't separate me from my relatives. I want to take care of my mom and son!"

"Yao Yuxing, you have no choice. If I don't do this, if one day you can't bear the loneliness and come back to find Yichen, I will call it a failure at that time!" Cen Lixiang avoided Yao Yuxing's hand and said coldly, "You can still have a relationship with Yichen when you know that you are related to the Tang family, but with this shameless behavior, I don't feel at ease to let your family go together!"

Yao Yuxing knew that he would soon be out of the sea of ​​suffering, and he was both joyful and worried.

She was happy that she finally got her wish and left the demon Tang Yichen, but she was worried that she would live in two places with her mother and could only meet once a year.

(End of this chapter)

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