Chapter 114 Pain
This undoubtedly caused her the greatest pain in her heart. Being unable to take care of her filial mother was her greatest sorrow as a daughter.

But Nian Xuan was so young and needed her care, she couldn't leave Nian Xuan alone, and Grandma Tang promised her that she would let someone take good care of her mother and treat her mother's condition well.

The only thing she can make up for is that she went to another place, calmed down, kept studying, broke into her world, and when the conditions improved, she would plead with Grandma Tang to let her mother stay by her side.

After time passes, after Tang Yichen and Shangguan Jinhuan get married, Tang Yichen will also forget her. As time goes by, he is so busy and has established a new family. It probably won't be long before he will forget about her. One she existed.

Or in other words, once she leaves, he will just leave as a passer-by, neither sad nor happy.

Well, it must be like this, it must be!Yao Yuxing comforted himself in this way.

So when she left, Yao Yuxing stretched out a little, and a gentle and gentle color covered her face, which anyone with a discerning eye could see.

"Miss Yao, did you encounter any happy things?" The scalded servant looked at the smile on Yao Yuxing's face, and his heart was full of joy.

It turns out that as long as you look at others smiling, your own mood will be infected by the other person's smile.

"Hehe, it's nothing." Yao Yuxing was stunned, adjusted his sitting posture slightly, then pointed to the movie playing on the TV and said, "I just think this movie is quite funny."

"Miss Yao, what do you want to eat, I'll make it for you."

"Auntie, your hand is hurt, take a good rest, don't touch the water, I can cook whatever I want to eat." Yao Yuxing said to the servant.

As soon as Yao Yuxing's words fell to the ground, when she looked up, she saw Tang Yichen coming down from the stairs. She was startled for a while, then stood up, walked to the stairs, swallowed, and said softly: "Tang Yichen, your fever just went away. , why don't you take a break?"

Tang Yichen's eyes were burning hot, he stared at her deeply, his eyes were full of trance.

His throat moved up and down, and there were faint creases between his eyebrows. He stared at her, but he didn't dare to tell her that it was because he was haunted by a nightmare. He couldn't stand the feeling of heartache, so he got up suddenly and opened his eyes When he opened his eyes and couldn't see her, he started to panic, and when he couldn't see her on the second floor, his heart was even more panicked.

It wasn't until he heard her voice at the turn of the stairs that he put the whole heart that jumped out smoothly back into its original position.

Because, he dreamed that Yao Yuxing left him without saying a word, and avoided him far away, no matter how hard he searched, he couldn't find her.

Moreover, Yao Yuxing's performance at this time made him feel confused.

She had always been indifferent to him, but at this moment her tenderness made him a little at a loss.

In the dream, when she disappeared, she was also very gentle and obedient to him. He thought she had compromised and wanted to stay by his side for the rest of her life, but who would have expected that it would be a sign of leaving him.

He came down, ignored the others, and hugged Yao Yuxing into his arms, with a low and mellow voice, slightly hoarse: "Yao Yuxing, didn't I tell you not to wander around!"

Yao Yuxing was taken aback for a moment, she felt Tang Yichen's powerful heartbeat, and Tang Yichen's magnetic and hoarse voice hovered above her head.

"Tang Yichen, I'm right here, I don't want to wander around." Yao Yuxing raised his eyes, and bumped into his deep black eyes, which could not bear the glint of light.

(End of this chapter)

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