Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 115 Unbearable Consequences

Chapter 115 Unbearable Consequences

It was that radiance that made her let go of all her guard in an instant, because she saw the distressed look in his eyes, and her heart skipped a beat.

"Yao Yuxing, if I let me know that if you leave, I will never forgive you in my life, and you can't bear the consequences." Tang Yichen lowered his eyes, tightening her trembling eyes, his voice was cold and firm, he He tightly held her in his arms, "Yao Yuxing, I just want you to stay by my side, let me take care of you, and let me hurt."

Yao Yuxing looked into his black eyes, so staring at each other, it was hard for her to look away, and his words fell loudly on her heart.

"Tang Yichen, let me go, you hugged me until I can't breathe." She frowned slightly, and tried to push him.

Yao Yuxing moved lightly, and a fresh mint fragrance came out of Tang Yichen's body, mixed with a mature man's breath.

It made her blush when she smelled it, and her cheeks turned red instantly.

Hearing this, Tang Yichen quickly let go of her, but his big hand was still tightly gripping her wrist, staring at her deeply, as if as soon as he let go, she would disappear in the blink of an eye.

Yao Yuxing was even more embarrassed by him, so he quickly stopped talking, his voice was extremely low, "I won't leave, until you fall in love with another woman, I won't leave."

Hearing her words, Tang Yichen felt as if he had taken a reassurance, and his frown gradually widened. He pulled Yao Yuxing and walked towards the dining room.

"Eat with me." Tang Yichen said while walking, looking back at her affectionately.

Yao Yuxing originally thought it was the two of them sitting at the dining table waiting for the chef to bring the cooked food, but unexpectedly, it was Tang Yichen who rolled up his sleeves and walked into the kitchen.

"Tang Yichen, what are you doing?" Yao Yuxing watched his movements, stood up, and asked following the sound.

"You sit down first, I'll go in and cook something delicious for you." Tang Yichen turned around, watched her stand up, walked up to her again, gently pressed her shoulders with both hands, told her to sit down and wait, and then he Just walked into the kitchen.

The large refrigerator in the kitchen has everything. He took out the ingredients to defrost and put them in the sink.

Yao Yuxing looked at his busy figure through the glass door, feeling warm in his heart.

Seeing him cooking while sick, she couldn't bear it, so she got up, walked to the kitchen, and took over his work, "Tang Yichen, you didn't do these jobs, tell me what you want to eat, and I'll make it for you .”

Looking at her virtuous and gentle appearance, Tang Yichen felt a little warmth in his heart, because as he got older, he found it was not easy to find a woman with a better temper who was willing to cook.

Although there are servants in his family, he still yearns for the life of the young couple living together.

Moreover, he has lived for almost 30 years, and among the girls he has met, who is not a stickler for spring water, who is willing to cook and cook for himself like Yao Yuxing?

In the past three years, she has kept herself safe and independent, even if she has problems, she will solve them by herself, and she will not trouble others at all.

He appreciates her independence and virtuousness.

In addition, whenever he came back to the manor occasionally, there was always a lamp left for him in his bedroom, and it was that lamp that kept his heart in a trance for a long time. These small and warm movements, It made him nostalgic even more.

(End of this chapter)

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