Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 125 Where did they take them

Chapter 125 Where did they take them
After Tang Yichen got into the car, he drove directly to the old house of the Tang family. Before the car stopped, he got out of the car and walked into the house.

"Master Chen, are you back?" The servant was startled when he saw Tang Yichen appearing suddenly.

"Where's grandma?" Tang Yichen asked coldly.

"The old lady is taking a lunch break." Seeing Tang Yichen's gloomy face, the servant quickly said in fright.

Tang Yichen passed by the servant coldly, he knocked on Grandma Tang's room, a surge of anger was suppressed in his brain and chest.

Regardless of whether Grandma Tang was on her lunch break or not, he directly asked, "Grandma, where did you take Xiaoyu and Nianxuan!"

When he was driving back, he called the housekeeper of the old house, but the housekeeper couldn't tell where Yao Yuxing and Tang Nianxuan were.

And when he entered the old house, he couldn't feel Yao Yuxing's breath.

Grandma Tang woke up from the shock, her vision was blurred, and she could only feel a chill around her.

She heard the voice belonged to Tang Yichen, and he came to ask her for Yao Yuxing.

"Yichen, there is something impossible between you and Yao Yuxing! Don't think about it anymore! Can't you choose between Qin Suya and Shangguan Jinhuan? Now that Qin Suya is back Now, I'll let her live with you, if you don't think it's suitable, choose Shangguan Jinhuan!"

"I only want Yao Yuxing, you don't want to stop my determination to want Yao Yuxing!" Tang Yichen's hands between his legs were slightly clenched into fists, his black eyes narrowed coldly.

Cen Lixiang, who was lying on the bed, picked up her reading glasses, put them on, and looked at Tang Yichen, "Yichen, are you crazy! Who is Yao Yuxing, don't you know! How can you be together! What's more , she is just a woman you bought with money, I don't believe you really fell in love with her!"

Both Cen Lixiang and Shi Minmei agreed that Tang Yichen's actions were nothing more than avoiding the marriage arranged for him by the Tang family, and he wanted to use extreme means to threaten them to compromise.

Therefore, they compromised and released the news to let Qin Suya return to the country, let them meet again, and let them fall in love.

The purpose is to stop the deformed relationship between Tang Yichen and Yao Yuxing!

"I'll only ask once, where is Yao Yuxing!" Tang Yichen's dark, dark eyes shone coldly, and his voice was extremely cold!

The sun was unusually bright, but in the blink of an eye, the sky suddenly changed and became gloomy.

Surrounded by bright flowers, Yao Yuxing was a little restless, her right eyelid kept twitching, she looked at the retro wall clock on the wall from time to time, and the tick-tock time went very slowly.

And her heart was also up and down, as if something was about to jump out of it.

Because she was in deep thought, she didn't notice that the water overflowed and scalded the back of her tender white hands.When she came to her senses, her hands were already hot red, she hurriedly let go of the cup, took out a few paper towels to wipe them, and when she turned around, a familiar and cold figure came into her eyes.

She didn't even have time to blink, she suddenly raised her eyes and looked at the man in front of her. As if she was frightened, she took a few steps back and bumped into the coffee table. Shocked too much by fright, her eyes trembled slightly.

"Tang, Tang Yichen..." She called his name, her voice mixed with tremor and astonishment.

(End of this chapter)

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