Chapter 126 He Appeared
Tang Yichen approached her with a cold face, the cold air emanating from his body made people feel like they were in a frozen pool.

Tang Yichen saw that her hand was scalded, he hurriedly took her hand to wash cold water, then asked her for medicine, and applied it to her.

"Since you're so restless, why did you leave! Did you take what I said to you seriously!" Tang Yichen's tone was as cold as usual.

"Yao Yuxing, who gave you the permission to leave the manor! Before I flew to Paris, did you plan to leave me, so you showed tenderness to me just now?" Tang Yichen's slender fingers grabbed her chin, slightly Lifting her head up, forcing her to meet his cold eyes, "Yao Yuxing, so you are also a woman with a scheming heart."

In vain, he always thought that she changed her attitude and became gentle because she was moved by his persistence. He didn't expect that she had a premeditated plan!

If it wasn't for the news that Qin Suya had moved into the manor, he was worried that she would be rejected and bullied by Qin Suya, so why would he rush back in such a hurry!

But when he rushed back but couldn't see her, did she know the anxiety, anger and fear in his heart?
He was so worried about what he would do if she left and hid if he didn't let him find her!

"Tang Yichen, I didn't premeditate, it was your beloved woman who came back, what reason do I have to stay in the manor?" Yao Yuxing lowered his eyes and dared not look at the anger hidden in his eyes.

And she knew in her heart that it was impossible for her to have a relationship with Tang Yichen. Even if Qin Suya hadn't come back and Shangguan Jinhuan hadn't existed, even if she had deeper feelings for Tang Yichen, it was impossible for the two of them to be together .

Both she and him have half the same blood, if she responds to his feelings, then she will destroy everything about him, she can't be so selfish.

"Did they force you to leave?" Tang Yichen looked at her small face and asked through gritted teeth.

Although she has always wanted to leave, but after the price of fleeing twice before, he believed that she would not dare to leave without his permission, and someone must have said something in front of her before she could leave. Forcing her to leave at the risk of being resented by him!
Yes, it must be like this.

He believed that Yao Yuxing would not leave easily, because she had promised him that she would never leave without his permission.

Yao Yuxing shook his head slightly, and said: "No one forced me to leave, you made me leave! Your Qin Suya is back, why do you still come to me? Didn't we agree before that once you fall in love with me again? Another woman, you will let me go."

Tears welled up in her beautiful eyes, and her body trembled slightly under his fingers.

"When did I say that I love Qin Suya! Yao Yuxing, if you want to leave, don't make such a bad excuse to prevaricate me!" Tang Yichen was really angry, he grabbed her chin finger, and slightly retracted it. Ice and fire flashed in his eyes, staring at her coldly.

He lifted her jaw and said to her: "Raise your eyes, look into my eyes and speak!"

Following the strength of his hand, she was forced to raise her eyes to meet his black eyes shining with ice and fire, and she instantly seemed to have fallen into a bottomless cold pool.

 Please collect it~~Girls, have you heard my cry~~~
(End of this chapter)

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