Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 127 Made a Promise to Another Woman

Chapter 127 Made a Promise to Another Woman
What he wants is her honesty, as long as she confesses, he can not hold her accountable for leaving this time.

"Tang Yichen, if you don't love Qin Suya, then why did you hang her murals in the study for so long? If you don't love her, why would she know the password of the big manor? I can't even get out of the gate. You said you took me for something. Even a prisoner has a short period of free movement, and I, let alone a moment of freedom, even do what you do under your supervision." Yao Yuxing looked at him deeply and coldly With black eyes, a wry smile appeared on the corner of his lips, and he said sarcastically, "You want me to stay in the manor and wait for you to come back to meet her, make out! Tang Yichen, although I promised you to stay, but you also said, As long as someone re-enters the manor, I can leave at any time."

"What you said, how can you just say it!"

Tang Yichen's eyes froze, and he focused deeply on Yao Yuxing's trembling eyes, "Although I said these words, I never thought of Qin Suya's appearance!"

"Tang Yichen, you promised her. You told her that the door of the manor will always be open for her. As long as your combination lock is not changed for a day, you will always be waiting for her to come back." Yao Yuxing said , the tears had flowed down, she bit her lip, and growled at him with a trembling voice, "Tang Yichen, since Qin Suya is back, please let me be free, if I stay by your side for a second longer, I will panic One more second. I just want to get away with my son and live a normal life."

"Yao Yuxing, what exactly did they say to you, you have to insist on leaving me!" Tang Yichen frowned, her tears slid down and dripped onto his palm, causing a burning pain in his palm, which instantly spread throughout his body, His heart tightened even more, he paused, stretched out his hand, and wiped away the tears on her cheeks, "How many times do I have to say it before you can understand my determination?"

Yao Yuxing broke away from him, took a step back, looked at him, and said in a concentrated voice: "Tang Yichen, how many times do I have to say it before you can understand that it is impossible between me and you! Even if we are together, then So what! I don't want to live in darkness forever, if you are with me, can you give me the existence of light?"

Tang Yichen frowned, he strode forward, stretched out his hands, and embraced the petite girl into his arms, and embraced her with all his strength, his deep and hoarse voice seemed to penetrate the entire flower shop: "Come back with me, I don't want you to leave my side."

"Tang Yichen!" Yao Yuxing raised his hand, resisting his chest, trying to push him away.

Tang Yichen was born in the Air Force, and his strength is far greater than hers. It would be useless for her to push him no matter what.

He tightened his arms slightly, and she was imprisoned in his arms, and she couldn't even move.

"Yao Yuxing, stop making trouble, come home with me!" Tang Yichen's commanding tone hovered above her head.

There was a hint of coldness and anger in his voice, but she was a little startled when she heard it.

He was talking about going home, not following him back.

Does that belong to her home?
"Tang Yichen, it's not that I won't go back with you, but what identity should I use to go back. If Qin Suya knows that we are not only in the relationship between the foster and the fostered, but also have a blood relationship, what do you make her think of me?"

 Thank you Princess Baoqi for your reward~~What a reward~ This is the first time I have received a reward~~
(End of this chapter)

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