Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 128 I Only Care About Your Feelings

Chapter 128 I Only Care About Your Feelings

"I don't care about other people's eyes, I only care about your feelings, and whether you are by my side." All he wants is these.

"Tang Yichen, you are really selfish! If you want me to be happy, you can't force me to do something I don't want like this. What kind of man are you like this!" Yao Yuxing's nose was sour, his eyes were red, and tears Like an open water valve, it can't be closed no matter what, and it is allowed to flow continuously.

"Tang Yichen, if I say, if you insist that I stay by your side, then you will give me a bright sky instead of a dark world that never sees the sun!" Yao Yuxing stretched out his hand to grab the clothes on his chest, Looking up and staring at him, "Can you get a marriage certificate with me, and tell the whole world that the woman you married is your own nephew!"

If you have nothing to fear in all these, then no matter how difficult the road is, then I will follow you until the end of my life!

Yao Yuxing looked at Tang Yichen deeply, and silently cursed in his heart.

Staring lightly at the tears in her eyes, he frowned, and said after a while: "Xiaoyu, I can give you everything, except that I can't marry you, I'm sorry, I can't promise you this. "

When Tang Yichen said this, his heart sank slightly, as if he was tightly strangled by a pair of big hands. Even if she wanted the moon in the sky, he would try his best to get it for her, but he couldn't give it to her. Hers is marriage.

Because the blood relationship between him and her is an unchangeable fact, if others know about their deformed relationship, it will bring her a lot of trouble, and even affect her physical and mental health.

He didn't want her to suffer so much pain after being wronged and staying by his side.

Yao Yuxing closed her eyes gently, raised her trembling hands, resisted against his chest, and pushed him away fiercely: "Tang Yichen, you can't even fulfill my request, you let me stay By your side? What do you think of me? It’s still the same as before. It’s a woman you bought with money, a toy for your desire! Tang Yichen, how can you treat me like this! If you can’t give it to me Marriage, set me free!"

If you can't give me marriage, give me freedom!
These words turned into a sharp sword, addressing his heart, and his heart suddenly became riddled with holes. , so the eyes began to sore and ache.

"Little fish, I can even dig out my heart and give it to you, but this is the only one I really can't give you." He raised his hand, held her trembling shoulders, and looked at her deeply , said in a concentrated voice: "Xiaoyu, I don't want you to be hurt. Keeping you by my side is the best way to protect you. If I marry you, it will only bring you endless harm."

"Tang Yichen, then what's the point of keeping me by your side! If you keep me by your side, won't it cause me the greatest harm? Is it true that once you marry another woman, I still don't know Do you want to maintain a sexual relationship with you for nothing!" Yao Yuxing's throat hurts, her hoarse voice is so heartbreaking, she bit her lips and looked at Tang Yichen, "You and I are up and down day and night, it's just because of you Lonely, you pour all your resentment towards other women on me, you are simply a perverted man! Knowing about our relationship, you still do that kind of thing to me, you are closing your eyes every night When you close your eyes, think of these things, do you feel sick and uncomfortable?"

(End of this chapter)

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