Chapter 144 Stomach Bleeding
When Yao Yuxing arrived at the winery, he was stopped by the staff. In the end, the driver of Tang's Manor came over to explain Yao Yuxing's identity and asked the staff to leave. Yao Yuxing just entered the winery.

Another employee brought Yao Yuxing to Tang Yichen's room.

Yao Yuxing stepped firmly and stood outside the door, holding the doorknob with her hand, but did not dare to unscrew it, but when she heard the sound of the wine bottle falling inside, her heart trembled, and she unscrewed it without hesitation. went in.

As soon as she opened the door, she was greeted by a strong smell of alcohol, which made her frown.

Condensed with such a strong smell of alcohol, how much alcohol did he drink!
And she remembered that his stomach had always been bad, why did he still drink and abuse his stomach!
She walked over angrily, stood not half a meter away from him, stared at him, and watched him drink bottle after bottle with his eyes closed, her heart suddenly ached.

Hastily stepped forward to snatch the wine bottle in his hand!
"Du Lingheng, go away! Didn't I let you control me!" Tang Yichen pushed away the person who was about to take the wine bottle from him. He thought it was Du Lingheng, so he was a little stronger .

Yao Yuxing was naturally caught off guard, being swept away by him like this, he staggered and fell to the ground, and there happened to be broken glass on the ground, which pierced into her white and smooth palm.

"Ah!" She exclaimed in pain!
Tang Yichen thought he was hallucinating, how did he hear Yao Yuxing's voice?
Tang Yichen rubbed his temples, when he opened his eyes, he saw a blurry figure, and when he wanted to see clearly, he also fell backwards.

Yao Yuxing heard a dull sound of falling to the ground, she looked quickly, but saw Tang Yichen fell to the ground.

She was nervous, and regardless of the broken glass in her palm, she got up and ran to Tang Yichen, and helped him up.

"Tang Yichen, what's wrong with you!" As soon as she helped him up, he spat all over her body!
What Tang Yichen vomited out had a strong sour smell and an unpleasant smell.

"Go away! Since you don't care about my life or death, isn't it just as you wish for me to drink to death now!" Tang Yichen saw clearly that the person in front of him was Yao Yuxing, and the concern and tension in her eyes made his heart tighten .

Since she didn't care about his feelings, why did she show such concern to him?

Didn't she know that he was addicted and would show wrong feelings!
He pushed Yao Yuxing away, and when he was about to stand up, he accidentally stepped on the wine bottle. This time, he really fell to the ground and couldn't get up again!
Before he fainted, he heard Yao Yuxing's scream and panic!
This dead woman obviously didn't love him, even hated him to the bone, why was she so kind to him when he was most vulnerable?

Yao Yuxing went to shake Tang Yichen's body, but she couldn't get any response from Tang Yichen, her face turned pale with fright, her blood-stained hand touched his cheek, she frowned, and shouted at him in a hoarse voice. name.

She finally regained her composure, rushed out, and called someone over, she was so flustered that she didn't know what to do!
Calling for help is her only instinct!
The driver and other employees came in and saw this scene, and hurriedly called an ambulance!

After a while, an ambulance came, and Tang Yichen was carried on a stretcher, carried into an ambulance, and taken to the hospital, and she followed suit.

"Doctor, how is he doing now?" Yao Yuxing asked with a face as vigorous as paper.

"He's bleeding from the stomach, and his condition is stable now." The doctor looked over and noticed the blood on Yao Yuxing's hand, which was covered with broken glass, so tender skin, it's a pity that it was injured like this, "Miss, your hand You are also injured, let the nurse treat the wound for you."

"I'm fine, you need to wake him up!" Yao Yuxing shook his head and said.

(End of this chapter)

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