Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 145 You and your mother have the same virtue, cheap!

Chapter 145 You and your mother have the same virtue, cheap!
The news that Tang Yichen was hospitalized also spread to the Tang family.

Soon, Grandma Tang and Tang Yichen's mother came over, and when they got out of the car, Tang's mother slapped Yao Yuxing hard: "Didn't I tell you to leave, why are you still here! How long are you going to pester Yichen? ah!"

Yao Yuxing's eyes were red, and she lowered her head. She didn't even see clearly how Mother Tang hit her. She slapped her hard on the cheek with a hot slap, causing her ears to buzz non-stop.

"Miss Yao, didn't I ask you to leave! You took advantage of me, and dared to carry me back to Yichen's side?" It was Grandma Tang who spoke, her eyes seemed to be stained with poison, Staring at Yao Yuxing coldly, "You are as virtuous as your lowly mother!"

"Grandma Tang, one person is responsible for everything. Please don't hurt my mother." Listening to Grandma Tang's words, Yao Yuxing felt a twinge of pain in her heart. She did not expect that her behavior today would be used by others to hurt her mother. .

Doesn't she want to leave?
But after she left, no matter where she was hiding, he would have a way to find her.

"Then explain to me how Yichen was injured and hospitalized! He is the future of the Tang family, if something happens to him, can you afford it?" Grandma Tang stepped forward and pushed Yao Yuxing, "You really It's a scourge!"

Yao Yuxing naturally didn't dare to speak anymore, because no matter what she said, they couldn't listen to her words.

Then her explanation is of course superfluous.

She hid her hands behind her back to prevent them from seeing her, and lowered her head, silently bearing their accusations and abuse.

She swallowed all the grievances in her stomach alone.

She was originally a little girl who had nothing to do with the world, but because she met Tang Yichen, the devil, everything changed, and she was forced to be involved in these disputes.

Yes, Grandma Tang said she was a disaster, she was really a disaster, if not, Nian Xuan would not have appeared, and Tang Yichen would not have been injured and hospitalized.

While Grandma Tang was still chattering and scolding Yao Yuxing, the door of the operating room opened, the doctor came out, and Tang Yichen was pushed out from behind.

"Doctor, how is Yichen doing now? Why was he hospitalized?" Grandma Tang asked while grabbing the doctor's hand.

"Mr. Tang's stomach bleeding was caused by alcoholism. His condition is basically stable now. In the future, he can stop drinking if he can. His stomach will not be able to bear it." The doctor said lightly.

"Yao Yuxing, tell me, why did Tang Yichen drink too much! Aren't you together, why did you let him drink?" Grandma Tang asked sternly.

Yao Yuxing was naturally dumb and ate Coptis chinensis. Just as she was being mobbed and scolded bloody, a voice came along with hurried footsteps: "Grandma Tang, I'm sorry, Miss Yao is not to blame for this matter, it's because of me. Because of this, it caused Yichen to behave like this."

As soon as the words fell to the ground, Du Lingheng pulled Yao Yuxing behind him, blocking Grandma Tang from scolding her, and explained.

He had just finished the operation, and when he arrived at the department, he heard about Tang Yichen along the way.

Grandma Tang frowned when she saw that Du Lingheng was interceding for Yao Yuxing, and said, "Ling Heng, it's none of your business here, you don't need to stop all the responsibilities for her."

"Grandma Tang, I had to leave temporarily because I had something to do, so I didn't persuade Yichen not to drink any more. Before I left, I couldn't get in touch with many people. Finally, I contacted Ms. Yao and asked her to come to the winery Go take care of Yichen." Du Lingheng explained: "Grandma Tang, if you don't believe me, you can go to the winery and ask the staff, and they will know if what I said is true or not."

Because Yao Yuxing's identity was left there, the members of the Tang family didn't like her. Now that Tang Yichen was lying in the hospital, they would definitely put all the responsibility on Yao Yuxing.

(End of this chapter)

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