Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 160 Live to see people, die to see corpses

Chapter 160 Live to see people, die to see corpses

Yao Yuxing originally thought he was threatening her, if she didn't go back with him, he would make Nian Xuan suffer even more.

"Tang Yichen, please! Don't appear in my world to disturb my life again, okay! Let everything stop here!" Yao Yuxing raised his hand to wipe away the tears that fell down, and turned his back to defecate run away.

Seeing her running away, Tang Yichen sighed inwardly, chased after her, and grabbed her, "Yao Yuxing, you will get sick if you get caught in the rain again! If you fall ill, who will take care of Nianxuan for you!"

"Tang Yichen, I don't need you to intervene in my affairs!" Yao Yuxing broke free from him vigorously, and rushed into the rain. This place is not far from her residential area. She grew up in this area and is very familiar with the road conditions.

Taking advantage of Tang Yichen's inattention, she ran into the rain.

Tang Yichen swung his fist and slammed it on the car, then got into the car and asked the special assistant to drive to catch up with Yao Yuxing.

But Yao Yuxing deliberately got into a place where he could only leave.

"President, Miss Yao has entered an alley, and the car can't get in, what should I do now?" The special assistant asked anxiously as he saw Yao Yuxing's disappearing figure.

When Yao Yuxing disappeared into the alley, Tang Yichen opened the car door and wanted to get out of the car.

"President, umbrella!" The special assistant handed Tang Yichen an umbrella.

Tang Yichen took the umbrella, got out of the car and walked towards the alley, but when he entered, he didn't see Yao Yuxing's figure, and he also called her name a few times, but there was no response.

And in a dark place, Yao Yuxing was tightly covering her mouth. When she saw Tang Yichen passing by, her pupils widened suddenly, she made a sound of 'uuuuuuuuuuuu', and even wanted to break through the door, but She was imprisoned and unable to move at all!
She ran into the alley just to avoid Tang Yichen, but she didn't expect to run into bad guys.

She didn't know who caught her, let alone what the other party's intentions were.

"Little fish! Come out for me! Don't hide from me anymore!" Tang Yichen's cold voice washed in the rain.

Yao Yuxing could hear it, it was the first time she wanted to have that voice, the first time she had a voice that wanted to respond to him, the first time she felt that he was so important!

She shouted in her heart, calling for help, hoping that he could feel that she was not far from his side.

Although she didn't want to have too much contact with Tang Yichen, she didn't want to die because of this. She still had a lot of things to do, and both her son and mother needed her care.

"Don't move around anymore, I don't want to hurt you." The man covering Yao Yuxing's mouth had a rough voice mixed with it.

Yao Yuxing felt that there was a cold muzzle pointing at her from behind, she didn't dare to make any more noise, she could only watch Tang Yichen leave from the alley.

She even heard voices outside the alley:

"President, can't you find Miss Yao?" came the voice of the special assistant.

"If she wants to avoid me, no matter how I look for her, I won't be able to find her." After a while, a lonely voice sounded, "Go back to Tang's house first."

After a while, there was the sound of a car starting.

After the car left, there was a silence with only the sound of rain.

In just a moment, there was a rush of footsteps not far away, as if there were several people.

"Kevin is seriously injured and won't go too far. Are you sure he walked into the alley?" A female voice asked.

"Miss, we are sure that Mr. Kevin walked in here! It's raining and we can't see the blood on his body." A man responded.

Because it was raining, everything on the ground was washed away.

"Look for it! We must find Kevin! You want to see people in life, and you want to see corpses in death!" The woman's voice sounded again.

After another round of searching was fruitless, the woman sent a message to search elsewhere.

 Please collect it~ People who collect it will become more and more beautiful and cute~
(End of this chapter)

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