Chapter 161 Save Me!

Yao Yuxing's heart was in suspense, she didn't know why the man behind her wanted to grab her, and she also vaguely felt that he might be the person the person in front of her was looking for, but the movement of covering her mouth slowly let go .

Immediately afterwards, she heard a 'dong'.

After she regained her composure, she turned around, and with the help of the faint light coming in, she saw bloodstains on the pale face of the man who had fallen to the ground. She was shocked.

And he was clutching his waist with one big hand. She followed his movements and saw that his white shirt was also stained with blood.

He seemed to be hunted down by the group of people just now, that's why he was so seriously injured.

She wanted to leave, but a big hand held her ankle tightly.

"help me!"

She was so scared that she was trembling all over, "Let go, how can I take you to the hospital if you drag me?"

"You can't go to the hospital!" The man's gruff voice sounded, and he tightened his grip on Yao Yuxing's bare feet, "Take me to your house!"

"This..." Yao Yuxing wanted to refuse, but the man in front of him pointed a pistol at her and said coldly, "Take me to your house!"

"Yes!" Yao Yuxing didn't dare to make fun of his own life.

She didn't want to take him home because she was worried that there would be too many people and troubles for the family.

Obviously, the man in front of him is very bad!The hostility on his face was terrifying.

"Let go of me first, I'll call a taxi." Yao Yuxing said hoarsely.

"Don't even think about calling the police, let alone running away..." After the man finished speaking, he passed out.

Seeing this, Yao Yuxing really wanted to run away, but seeing him begging for help and being hunted down again, if he died here suddenly because of her reluctance to save her, if she saw the news after many days, her life would be ruined. They will have trouble sleeping and eating.

She hesitated for a moment, but still didn't make up her mind to leave. Instead, she took a taxi and asked the driver to help him into the car.

Yao Yuxing put his gun in the bag and buttoned his black coat to prevent the driver from seeing the gunshot wound. She just told the driver that they were robbed.

The driver asked her to call the police, but she shook her head and said that it would be fine to send her home, they didn't want to make enemies, so the driver shook his head, and without further ado, sent Yao Yuxing downstairs.

Before the driver left, Yao Yuxing hoped that the driver would not tell the matter.

Because it was raining and cold, there were few people walking around in the community. It took a lot of effort for her to help the seriously injured man into the house.

She helped him into the guest room, then looked at the man on the bed helplessly, but didn't know what to do next.

"Bring me knives, pliers, alcohol, and a lighter!" The man suddenly opened his eyes, and said to the shivering Yao Yuxing.

"...Yes!" Yao Yuxing nodded, and hurriedly prepared what he wanted.

His face was covered with blood, and even after being washed by the rain, the blood still couldn't stop flowing down.

Her hands holding the plate trembled slightly, and when she approached him, she tremblingly said, "Your head is bleeding a lot..."

He is seriously injured now, so he shouldn't pose any threat to her. She walked over and treated the wound on his head. Her throat moved twice, she swallowed and said, "I will treat the wound simply..."

Her son stayed in the hospital for a long time, the manor had a private doctor, and Du Lingheng was also a doctor, so she learned a little bit about it.

Moreover, because of her son's condition, she also read a lot of medical books, so it shouldn't be a big problem to deal with these wounds.

The man's sharp eyes fixed on her body, looked at her clear and beautiful eyes, and nodded for her to help after a while.

Yao Yuxing approached the big bed, cleaned his wound, and then bandaged the wound with gauze.

(End of this chapter)

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