Chapter 174 So dishonest!

"You obviously don't know how to lie, but you still learn to lie like others! When did you become so dishonest!" Regarding Yao Yuxing's anger, Tang Yichen didn't take it seriously at all. Instead, he raised his big hand and caressed her cheek pamperingly, Said softly: "Xiaoyu, tell me honestly, who else is qualified to appear here except me!"

Yao Yuxing's body trembled slightly, and from his deep black eyes, she could see the anger welling up in his eyes.

When she looked into his eyes, her voice trembled slightly even when she spoke, so he could tell at a glance that she was lying.

But if she didn't lie and told the truth, she would definitely be taken back to the manor by him.

Because Kevin, who was recuperating in her home, was shot and hunted down.

Although she didn't explore Kevin's life experience and background, she could tell that he was a dangerous person just from the extent of his injuries.

If Tang Yichen knew that she let a dangerous man live at home to recover from his injuries, he would scold her for not understanding personal safety.

"Tang Yichen, you are not qualified to accuse me here. I have never been involved in your private life. This is my private life. I hope you respect me and don't interfere with my life." Yao Yuxing patted his hand away. , frowning slightly, eyes full of disgust, "I am a woman with a child, no education, no career, no ability, of course I am looking for a man who does not dislike me when I am young, am I waiting to die! "

Three years ago, she had just completed her school year and graduated as a small undergraduate. Because of Bai Che, she met Tang Yichen, a bloodthirsty Satan, and her life's reputation was ruined in his hands.

Pregnant, pregnant with Tang Yichen's child, but he never admitted that the child was his, and even suspected that it was the flesh and blood born between her and Bai Che.

Nian Xuan is now over three years old, and she is a 21-year-old unmarried mother.

Even if she really finds a man who loves her and doesn't dislike her having children, it may not be accepted by the man's family.

So she has no idea of ​​getting married in this life, as long as Nian Xuan is still by her side, she will not get married.

"Yao Yuxing, how dare you find another man to try!" Tang Yichen narrowed his cold eyes, stared at Yao Yuxing coldly, and said fiercely.

He squeezed her chin tightly, his eyes full of enchantment, and then exuded a cold light that made people feel cold.

"Uncle! As my elder, you do have the right to help me choose good men and bad men, but you have no right to stop me from falling in love with other men! What can you do to stop me from loving other men?" She With a sneer, he met his cold eyes and said slightly.

Tang Yichen held her chin tightly, frowning, cold light poured out, her mandibular bone was squeezed by him and rattled, he ignored her resistance, bent over and hugged her horizontally, and walked into the room.

"Which room is yours!" Tang Yichen asked coldly, but walked towards the direction of the room.

She was heartbroken, watching him walk towards the room, and the action of him hugging her made her feel even more frightened, she knew what he wanted to do without thinking too much.

She shook her feet in fear, kicked randomly in the air, and slapped his firm chest with her hands, trying to wake him up, "Tang Yichen, don't be stupid! I will hate you! Hurry up and let him go!" I'm coming down!"

"We all had such a relationship, do you think I would mind if you hated me a little more!" Seeing how excited Tang Yichen was, he even quickened his pace, hugged her and walked towards the room.

(End of this chapter)

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