Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 175 Don't Try to Stop Me From Staying

Chapter 175 Don't Try to Stop Me From Staying

Because if his waist can't exert strength, no man can satisfy her desire, and he can't let her go with other men no matter what.

"Tang Yichen, you deserve a broken waist! Your head is full of unscrupulous thoughts!" Yao Yuxing didn't make a sound, but slandered in his heart.

This stinky man, who was hurt, still hit her!
She helped him onto the bed, put a pillow under his waist, and said, "I'll call you an ambulance!"

When Tang Yichen heard this, he quickly reached out to stop her, "I want to live here until the injury is healed!"

"What did you say!" Yao Yuxing opened his eyes in astonishment!
She heard it right!This man said he wanted to live here?What's going on recently, why do these injured men like to recuperate in her home?
"I said I want to stay here and don't need to call an ambulance." Tang Yichen didn't want to go to the hospital, if it was known that he went to the hospital because of a back injury, how many lifetimes would it take to clear up this joke that was made fun of?

"I don't have any spare room here for you to live in, and I'm not a doctor or nurse, so I can't take care of your back injury!" She said through gritted teeth, no matter what she said, she would not let him stay.

If that Kevin came back suddenly to take away his clothes, and Tang Yichen knew of Kevin's existence, then unnecessary troubles would appear in her world again.

Tang Yichen is a difficult character, she really can't think of anything that Tang Yichen can't do.

"Yao Yuxing, do you really think you can cover up the man who appeared here? As long as I make a phone call, I will soon know what kind of man you are hiding!" Tang Yichen still cared about the men's clothes that appeared on the balcony.

Although he didn't see the man in her house, there was indeed a masculine smell in the house.

The only thing that made him feel relieved was that in her room, there was only her fragrance, and it was not mixed with the messy smell of other men.

"Tang Yichen, do you want to investigate me?" Yao Yuxing took a step back, "Who am I with has nothing to do with you! What are you doing so nervously about my affairs?"

For his threats, she was both afraid and disgusted.

When will this man stop disturbing her life and point fingers at her affairs?

Because of Kevin's clothes, he actually used force on her. No matter how much she struggled and pleaded, he didn't intend to let her go. Instead, he tied her hands with his belt.

She is a weak woman, she is no match for a beastly man!
"If you don't want me to investigate you, just tell me the truth!" Tang Yichen looked at her and said in a deep voice.

"Hehe!" Yao Yuxing laughed dryly when she heard the words, she narrowed her beautiful eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "Tang Yichen, you are injured now, and you can't walk, what else can you do to me! Even if I Kill you now, and no one will know!"

"Are you really willing to kill me?" Tang Yichen stared at her slowly with burning eyes, and asked in a hoarse voice.

"Hmph! Tang Yichen, you take yourself too seriously!" Yao Yuxing snorted coldly, and said to him, "Tang Yichen, what else can you do other than use your strength and your lower body to think about solving things?"

She was by his side, and whenever there was a dispute between the two of them, he would use rough movements to force her to submit.

She was very annoyed every time he cleaned her up so that she had no strength left to resist!
She really hoped to counterattack and fix him up, but she could only think about it, because it was impossible, and she was not his opponent at all.

"I just take myself too seriously! That's why I care so much about everything about you!" Tang Yichen's voice became slightly cold, "Yao Yuxing, I said I want to live here, don't try to stop me Leave!"

(End of this chapter)

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