Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 207 It's too much to deceive people

Chapter 207 It's too much to deceive people

"Grandma Rong, you said someone came here today? Is that man tall and tall, always with a poker face, cold?" Yao Yuxing held his breath and looked at Grandma Rong, waiting for the answer.

"You child, why do you talk about your husband like this?" Grandma Rong couldn't help but smile bitterly. How could anyone describe her husband like this?

Although Tang Yichen's first impression is indeed cold and cold, but it is also a unique temperament, and others can't imitate it if they want to imitate it.

"Grandma Rong, you have misunderstood. Tang Yichen is not my husband, nor is Xuan'er's father." Yao Yuxing frowned slightly, and it was clear that the person was Tang Yichen. She took a step forward, took Grandma Rong's hand, and said: "Grandma Rong, can you promise me that no matter what happens, don't let him take a step closer to Xuan'er."

Grandma Rong looked at Yao Yuxing suspiciously, "Xiaoyu, I don't think Mr. Tang is a bad person. Why don't you let him approach Xuan'er? It's only natural for a father to see his child. How can you stop him? Although Xuan'er Willing to be with us two old men, but when he sees Mr. Tang, I can see that Xuan'er is very happy."

Grandma Rong also raised her hand, lightly shook the back of Yao Yuxing's hand, and said softly: "Little fish, you have to know that there are many things, no matter how hard you work as a mother, you can't replace your father's love for children and father-son love." Affection."

"When a young couple gets married and lives together, it is inevitable that there will be bumps and bumps, but these are big things. Being able to get to know each other and walk together is a beautiful thing from heaven. Don't take it as a burden. "

Yao Yuxing bit her lower lip, lowered her head, and hugged Grandma Rong after a while: "Grandma Rong, the relationship between me and him is not as beautiful as you see, and we are together, we are both It is a burden for everyone, it will be ridiculed by the world and public opinion, and it will even bring a lot of pressure to our lives."

"The only thing in this world that is unacceptable is death. What can go wrong between you?" Grandma Rong froze for a moment. She even felt Yao Yuxing's sudden sadness. She raised her hand to comfort Yao Yuxing, "Son, Don't think about so many things, the current goal is to cure Xuan'er's illness. I can see that Mr. Tang is a powerful person, with his help, Xuan'er's condition will recover soon."

Yao Yuxing shook his head and said, "Grandma Rong, I'm really tired, I don't know what to do now. The person I don't want to see in my life is Tang Yichen."

As Yao Yuxing spoke, tears fell down uncontrollably.

"Son, what happened to cause you such pain? Did Mr. Tang do something to apologize to you?" Grandma Rong was very worried about Yao Yuxing's emotions.

Seeing Yao Yuxing crying so sadly, her heart was also pulled into a ball.

Yao Yuxing wiped away his tears, took a deep breath, and said in a hoarse voice, "Grandma Rong, Mr. Tang is actually my uncle. You said that I have such a relationship with him, how could I fall in love with him?"

Grandma Rong's eyeballs suddenly magnified several times, her eyes were full of shock, her face turned pale, "Son, you can't talk nonsense about these things!"

Yao Yuxing shook his head, "I'm not talking nonsense, it's because of this that Grandma Tang put my mother under house arrest and threatened me to leave Tang Yichen."

"What! This is too deceitful!" Grandma Rong became angry when she heard that the people of the Tang family had put Yao's mother under house arrest and threatened Yao Yuxing, "Son, does Mr. Tang know about this matter? Regarding your relationship, And about your mother, what did he say?"

(End of this chapter)

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