Chapter 208
"He is the only heir of the Tang family, so of course he won't hurt his relatives." Yao Yuxing shook her head, and she held Grandma Rong's hand tightly, "Grandma Rong, I don't want to be influenced by him to affect my life anymore, as long as I Staying far away from him can ensure my mother's safety."

Grandma Rong shook her head and sighed: "Son, you are wrong. Whether it is to ensure your mother's safety or to protect yourself, you have to stay away from him. It is impossible for your relationship with him to have a good result. of."

This incest with uncle and nephew is really unacceptable. When Grandma Rong heard Yao Yuxing tell her the truth, she also couldn't accept it. She even thought that Yao Yuxing was joking with her.

"Xiaoyu, is there any relationship between you and him? Whose child is Xuan'er?" Grandma Rong asked tremblingly.

Yao Yuxing paused, frowning deeply, her face suddenly turned extremely pale, her hands gradually became slightly cold, she didn't say a word, she didn't know how to organize words to explain these things to Grandma Rong.

"Grandma Rong, I'm very upset right now, I need to calm down, you go back first." Yao Yuxing pulled out his hand and helped the chair to stabilize his body.

"Son, if you don't explain this clearly, I can't help you. Now the closest people by your side are me and your Grandpa Rong. Before, your family took good care of us two old people. If it weren't for you With your mother's careful care, neither the old man nor I can get out of the shadow of the pain of losing our children." Grandma Rong stepped forward, holding Yao Yuxing's hands tightly, and said softly: "You helped us before, now, we Come and help me, okay?"

"Grandma Rong, thank you!" Yao Yuxing stretched out his hand, hugged Grandma Rong's body, closed his eyes, and said softly: "But you can't help me, we can't fight against the rich and powerful, we can't fight against them, I am now All you can do is to stay away from their circle and run far away."

Grandma Rong also reached out to comfort Yao Yuxing's back, "Son, tell Grandma Rong, is Xuan'er the son of Mr. Tang? If you had told us earlier, we would have ignored him."

"Yesterday, Mr. Tang kept ringing the doorbell of your house and got into an argument with his neighbors. Let's come down to find out what happened. A handsome and extraordinary man appeared in front of your house, claiming to be the father of your husband Xuan'er. Let's see The father and son were so happy when they met, and they believed it."

"Grandma Rong, I don't have the face to mention these things, so I hide them from you. These are all my affairs, so I can't cause so much trouble for you." Yao Yuxing slowly opened his eyes and left Grandma Rong looked down at Grandma Rong, her voice hoarse, "It's not good for you to know too much about these things. I'm worried that Tang Yichen's family will hurt you because of it."

"Silly boy! You are really stupid! Although we don't have any blood relationship, our relationship is beyond that of relatives." Grandma Rong smiled kindly, and said to Yao Yuxing with a smile: "If you have anything to say , let's find a way to solve it together. It is illegal for the Tang family to put your mother under house arrest. My son was a barrister before his death. I think his colleagues can help."

When Yao Yuxing heard that Grandma Rong asked her to take this matter to court, her face turned green with fright, and she quickly shook her head and waved her hands: "Grandma Rong, this matter must not be resolved through the courts! The Tang family is a powerful family, we can't fight it at all Their!"

"If you keep retreating, the more they will push forward! You will only let them ride on their heads and run wild!"

(End of this chapter)

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