Chapter 209 Clothes and Beasts
"Grandma Rong, I don't want my mother to be hurt because of my recklessness, and my mother's feet are inconvenient now, even if there is a chance for her to escape, she can't escape. If I don't listen to Grandma Tang, she will definitely find a way The one who tortured my mother." Yao Yuxing looked worried, she had seen Grandma Tang's power.

Because when Grandma Tang forced her to leave Tang Yichen before, because she didn't leave, and Grandma Tang started from her mother, Grandma Tang showed her a video of her mother being tied to a chair with an expression on her face. Haggard and exhausted, with disheveled hair, she kept yelling for help, and she couldn't forget that video.

Grandma Tang said that it was just a little lesson for her, if she was ignorant and still entangled with Tang Yichen, her mother would not be able to call for help next time.

After being together with Tang Yichen, in the previous year, he did not allow her to step out of Tang's manor, only when he took her out, she had the chance to breathe the fresh air outside the manor.

She was grounded by him for a full year, if it wasn't because of her depression, Tang Yichen probably wouldn't let her meet her mother.

Because her illness was very serious, he could only bring Yao's mother to the manor to stay with her for a period of time. Facts have proved that after seeing her relatives, Yao Yuxing's complexion gradually improved, and her mood became much more cheerful.

He watched all that from outside the door, and when her condition was completely cured, he promised her that she would be allowed to spend two days with her mother every week.

Now, the mother is under house arrest, but she can only sit here and don't know what to do.

Talked to Tang Yichen, didn't he not solve it, it is impossible for him to disobey his family.

"Xiaoyu, are we just sitting here indifferent!" Grandma Rong said with a worried face, "Who are these people! You two have never thought about this kind of relationship and result when you are together, how could they Blame you, and put your mother under house arrest!"

"Because she wants me to leave Tang Yichen completely, but I have tried my best to avoid him and run away from him, but I still can't avoid his approach!" Yao Yuxing said with grief on his face, "It's because I'm useless and I can't protect him well." Mother, let mother be implicated because of me!"

"I thought this Mr. Tang was a gentleman, but I didn't expect that he was actually a beast!" Grandma Rong frowned, "Little fish, why do I think Xuan'er looks somewhat similar to Mr. Tang? Is Xuan'er his?" flesh and blood?"

"Grandma Rong, this matter is so complicated. I don't know how to explain it to you. From the beginning, he didn't believe that Xuan'er was his flesh and blood. He even suspected that it belonged to me and other men. He just gave Xuan'er In fact, he has never admitted that Xuan'er is a temporary residence and household registration, and he didn't even know that Xuan'er is actually his flesh and blood." When Yao Yuxing said this, she was a little excited, she looked at Grandma Rong seriously, and said helplessly : "As long as Tang Yichen stops paying attention to me, or even marries another woman, Grandma Tang will let my mother go!"

Grandma Rong looked at Yao Yuxing suspiciously, and said with a frown, "But I saw that Tang Yichen showed sincere affection for Xuan'er, he was as kind as a father treating his son, I thought he knew Xuan'er was his son ..."

"Xiaoyu, what should we do next? When Mr. Tang sent Xuan'er back today, he told us not to tell you, and he will take Xuan'er to play every day while you are at work." Grandma Rong said With a regretful face, he said apologetically: "Xiaoyu, I didn't know so many things happened between you two. If I knew, I would definitely not let him take Xuan'er away, let alone promise to let him come to accompany Xuan'er every day... ..."

"Grandma Rong, this matter has nothing to do with you. I didn't make it clear to you. If he comes again in the future, I will definitely drive him away with a broom! If he doesn't want to leave, we will beat him away!" Grandma Rong said angrily.

"No! Grandma Rong!" Yao Yuxing hastily stopped her when she heard Grandma Rong's words.

(End of this chapter)

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