Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 210 Will move out in a few days

Chapter 210 Will move out in a few days
"Why, do you feel distressed?" Grandma Rong teased Yao Yuxing with a smirk, "Since I don't want him to come, then I have no choice but to drive him away. I think as long as an old man talks, he won't do anything to me."

"Grandma Rong, I want to move away after a while, if this happens, he won't be able to find me." Yao Yuxing told her plan, ever since she learned that Tang Yichen was coming over during the day, she had expected something to happen dangerous.

If she continues to live here, if she neglects to take care of Nian Xuan during the day, Tang Yichen will take advantage of it.

Once Nian Xuan's feelings for Tang Yichen gradually increased, it would be very difficult for her to take Nian Xuan away.

Now she feels that the sense of danger is constantly lingering around her, Nian Xuan has started to think about Tang Yichen in everything, no matter what they do, they will always mention Tang Yichen.

"Xiaoyu, you live here well, why do you want to move away?" Grandma Rong suddenly became extremely depressed when she heard this, and sighed secretly, "Xiaoyu, if you all move away, then here It's really just me and your Grandpa Rong left."

Yao Yuxing stepped forward, looked at Grandma Rong seriously, and asked in a low voice: "Grandma Rong, if you want, you can leave here with us, and I will take good care of you and Grandpa Rong."

Grandma Rong shook her head and said, "Son, thank you for your kindness, but Grandma Rong and Grandpa Rong can't leave here. This place is full of memories of me and my children. We don't go anywhere, we have to guard them."

If even she and the old man left, there would be no emotion here.

"Grandma Rong, I'm sorry!" Yao Yuxing apologized in a low voice.

"You can bring Xuan'er back to visit us often in the future, we all like that child Xuan'er." Grandma Rong patted the back of Yao Yuxing's hand lightly and said softly.

"Grandma Rong, we just moved away temporarily. We will move back when Tang Yichen stops pestering us and he gets married." Yao Yuxing made up her mind, and she also kept an eye on the outside after getting off work for the past few days. House of.

Tang Yichen knew the address here, so she had to move out.

"That's good." Grandma Rong nodded and said with relief.

"Grandma Rong, if Tang Yichen really comes to Nianxuan tomorrow, let them get together for another two or three days, so that he won't find out his flaws." Yao Yuxing confessed, "Grandma Rong, let me send you back first. "

"The distance to the first floor, you don't need to take it, you go to take a bath for Xuan'er first, you are tired from work, go take a bath first!" Grandma Rong insisted not to let Yao Yuxing take her, "If you find the house, let me know, When the old man and I are free, we will help take care of Xuan'er, after all, it is inconvenient for you to take care of him alone."

"Well, okay, thank you, Grandma Rong." Yao Yuxing reached out and hugged Grandma Rong.

The next day, Yao Yuxing went to work as usual, but the moment she left the community, a very domineering off-road vehicle parked in the community, and in the next second, an extraordinary handsome, cold and noble man walked out of the car. man.

With a tense face, he walked into the community.

Nian Xuan seemed to know that Tang Yichen would come looking for him, so he kept staring at the gate of the community from the windowsill of Grandma Rong's house, and when he saw a domineering car appearing, he knew Tang Yichen was coming!
Because when he was in the manor, he saw many luxury cars in the garage, as long as he saw something, he would remember it in his heart.

Nian Xuan ran to the door excitedly, waiting for Tang Yichen's arrival!

As soon as Nian Xuan heard the footsteps, he quickly opened the door and received Tang Yichen at the stairs.

 I went to the hospital to take a DR today. The doctor said that if you don’t pay attention, you will develop frozen shoulder. I also work in front of the computer all day during the day, and I have to type on the computer when I come back at night. I try to finish writing as soon as possible and update soon. go exercise.thanks for your support
(End of this chapter)

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