Chapter 215
Yao Yuxing encountered many difficulties in the process of finding a house.

Yao Yuxing was looking for a house that was closer to the hospital and work. When she went to see the house, the receptionist was very enthusiastic. When it was time to sign the contract, the receptionist was stunned and asked Yao Yuxing to wait for a while.

Then the receptionist left with the contract and went to call the manager.

"Miss, I'm sorry, all our suites have been sold out." The manager walked up to Yao Yuxing and apologized.

Yao Yuxing frowned when he heard that, and was confused by them, he hurriedly said: "Didn't I look at a house just now, and we also talked about the contract, why did you say it was sold out in a few minutes? Just now you The salesman also introduced several suites to me."

Yao Yuxing couldn't figure out why the real estate agent wouldn't sell the house to her, and this was already the third real estate agent who refused to sell the house to her.

"Miss, I will compensate you, this salesman is new, and he doesn't know many things." The manager apologized, "Why don't I make money if I have money? Why don't you go to other places to see, How about it?"

Yao Yuxing heard what the manager said, and the reason why the two managers refused to sell the house to her was the same.

Forget it, it's useless for her to pursue it, so she just smiled wryly and left.

Yao Yuxing walked to the bus stop, and when she was about to take out the bus card from her bag, a blue poster fell out of her bag. She glanced at the poster of the real estate company just now. She was originally Pick it up and throw it in the trash can next to it.

But when she picked it up, she saw it was an advertisement for shared rent, and the rent was not expensive.

She thought that if she went back to the real estate agent and asked about this matter, she would definitely get a negative answer. Fortunately, there was the contact information of the owner on the advertisement.

Yao Yuxing called, and the other party asked her to come over to look at the house at noon tomorrow.

Yao Yuxing has an hour break at noon every day, so she goes to the appointment on time at noon the next day.

Sitting in the appointed coffee shop, Yao Yuxing checked the time, and when he looked up, he saw a familiar figure, and that person sat down opposite his desk.

The other party was wearing a white pilot uniform, which made his face look radiant and handsome.

"Kevin, why are you here?" Yao Yuxing looked at the man in front of him in surprise, then took out a poster from his bag, and asked with a frown, "Kevin, don't tell me you are a co-rental advertiser." host?"

"Why, can't I be?" Kevin sat down, smiled and took Yao Yuxing's surprised expression into his eyes.

"You... You obviously have a house, why did you eat and drink for free at my house!" Yao Yuxing frowned and accused coldly.

"You're so stingy, be careful not to get married!" Kevin chuckled, then stood up, "Let's go!"

"Where are you going!" Yao Yuxing also stood up following Kevin's steps.

"I just got off the plane, of course I'm going home to take a shower and go to bed." Kevin put his hands in his pockets, turned his head and said to the dazed Yao Yuxing.

Yao Yuxing stood where she was, looking at the man who had already walked away, very confused, she wondered in her heart whether she should follow up or not?
If we rent together with him, we will inevitably come into contact with him in the future, and the fact that he was hunted down is still vivid in my mind. If his enemies come to the door, will she and her son be in danger?
Kevin felt that Yao Yuxing didn't keep up, so he stopped, looked back at Yao Yuxing who was frowning, turned back to her side, and whispered to her affectionately: "For the sake of saving me, I won't accept you. Rent, let you stay for free, it doesn’t matter how long you stay.”


Because of his sudden approach, Yao Yuxing took a step back in fright, looked up at him and asked.

"I'm a pilot, and I seldom go home. I share the house because I want someone to help look at the house." Kevin's eyes flashed, falling on her who was retreating, and whispered, "We know each other, and I believe you."

Kevin seemed to see Yao Yuxing's worry, and he explained: "Don't worry, my enemy doesn't know where I bought a house. Because I usually stay in a hotel when I get off the plane."

(End of this chapter)

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