Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 216 How Can I Take Advantage of You

Chapter 216 How Can I Take Advantage of You
Yao Yuxing looked at Kevin suspiciously.

She and Kevin did not know each other before, but she made a mistake and took him home for treatment. His sudden departure made her think that they just met by chance and would never have the chance to see each other again.

But she didn't expect that the co-tenant she found would be the man she saved. This world is really small.

"But..." Yao Yuxing was a little worried.

"Don't worry about it anymore. I won't charge you any rent. The only condition is that you take care of the house for me." Kevin stretched out his hand, grabbed Yao Yuxing's shoulder, and left with her arms in his arms.

"Kevin, what are you doing! Let me go, I'll go by myself!" Yao Yuxing struggled, but unexpectedly he clenched even tighter.

When Kevin was at Yao Yuxing's house, he took her cell phone and called him, so he saved her phone number.

And when he received Yao Yuxing's call, he was also surprised. He obviously deleted the call record at the time. When he heard that she was looking for a house, he called the real estate agent and asked if there was any house to buy. The real estate agent answered yes, but revealed the news that they didn't know what was going on, and someone above said that they were not allowed to sell the house to a woman.

He thought, that unlucky woman must be Yao Yuxing, otherwise she wouldn't have thought of renting together.

And if a real estate agent can prohibit the sale of a certain person because of one sentence, it is estimated that this person can turn his hands into clouds and turn his hands into rain in this city.

If not, how could real estate developers make money?

However, no matter what, he had to thank that person for giving him a reasonable reason to continue living with Yao Yuxing.

"Don't you ask me why I left without saying goodbye? I've been gone for a while, don't you think about me?" Kevin took Yao Yuxing back home and walked to the refrigerator, "I only have Coke and Orange juice, which would you like to drink?"

Yao Yuxing looked around, the decoration here is very luxurious, the space is also very large, it is two-story.

"Your place is so big, I can't even pay a month's salary." Yao Yuxing said looking at the huge house in front of him.

In this area, with her current salary alone, she would not be able to buy a toilet in this lifetime.

When she first saw the shared house, she thought it was an old house that she lived in for a long time, or some other house, but she didn't expect such a luxurious house.

"I often fly in the sky, and I just need someone to watch the house for me. Since it is you, I will let you stay for free because you saved me." Kevin handed a glass of warm water to Yao Yuxing, and He took a bottle of Coke.

With a "snap", Kevin pulled the tab of the can and took a sip of Coke.

"How can I take advantage of you?" Yao Yuxing heard him say this not only for the first time, "I am in a hurry to move, but I am only temporary."

"Yuyu, just do me this favor. If I didn't need someone to help look after the house, I wouldn't advertise for shared rent." Kevin put down the Coke bottle, stretched out his hand to sit down on the cradle sofa beside Yao Yuxing , looking at her seriously, "Maybe this is our fate. Since fate has brought you to this point, why don't you go down with your heart? I look at the furnishings of your home, where you have grown up Even if you don’t need it anymore at your age, you have kept it well, so it must be seen that you are a nostalgic person. If it’s not a last resort, I believe you can’t move away, right?”

Yao Yuxing frowned lightly, she didn't say anything, why could Kevin see her thoughts?

(End of this chapter)

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