Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 235 Xiaoyu, some chapters cannot be said

Chapter 235 Xiaoyu, there are some things that cannot be said

"When we needed you, where were you?" Yao Yuxing turned his head, looked at his profile, and said in a cold voice: "Since you didn't care about him before, please don't care about him now! Anyway, sooner or later we will Leaving here, I don't want to add a little more loneliness and disappointment to him in vain!"

Yao Yuxing's eyes trembled slightly, with tears in her eyes, she choked up and stopped looking at him.

"Xiaoyu, you're not me, how do you know that I'm not here when you need me?" Tang Yichen's breathing tightened, and her words penetrated into his heart like venom, "Xiaoyu, there are some words that cannot be said Exported, you know?"

Yao Yuxing was slightly stunned, turned back to stare at him, and sneered, "Tang Yichen, have you ever thought about what you said to me, and there are many things you can't say? Every time you humiliate and cruel words, you know how to say them, I listen to it in my heart, what kind of feeling it will be, have you thought about it?"

"When you can't respect me, don't ask me to respect you! Respect is what you strive for!" While she was saying every word, her heart was throbbing, and every time she thought of the days when she was with him , she felt that the whole person was like a bird trapped in a cage, unable to escape from his palm, as long as she had the idea of ​​escape, he would ruthlessly destroy and snuff it out!
She was afraid of this man, especially when she knew that they were in this relationship, she wanted to get rid of him even more.

He was like a nightmare, blackmailing her all the time, and eroding her will.

"Yao Yuxing, is it because of the unnecessary relationship between us that you said such thoughtless words to me?" Tang Yichen's car stopped at the traffic light area, and he looked sideways Looking at her, he reached out to take her hands in her lap.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she dodged her, he took advantage of it. He frowned, looked at her, and sighed secretly in his heart.

"The traffic light has passed, please drive quickly." She was very anxious at this moment, and the horn sounded continuously at the back, which made her restless.

Tang Yichen regained his composure and drove the car away.

When he arrived at the hospital, Yao Yuxing got off the car, his feet seemed to be oiled, he took off his red high-heeled shoes before getting out of the car, held up the hem of his skirt, and ran barefoot in the corridor of the hospital.

"Kevin, where is Nian Xuan! How is Nian Xuan?" Yao Yuxing reached out and grabbed Ye Kaiwen's arms, asking anxiously.

"Xiaoyu, don't be so excited. Nianxuan's condition is stable. It's because I haven't been able to contact you, so I got a little excited when I received your call." Ye Kaiwen hugged Yao Yuxing into his arms, " Xiao Yuyu, don't be afraid, I will be here with you to take care of Nianxuan."

Ye Kaiwen's eyes were full of guilt.

After Yao Yuxing heard that Nian Xuan was fine, the tears she held back fell instantly.

She shed all the tears of grievance and fright that she suffered tonight. She stretched out her trembling hands, hugged Ye Kaiwen's body, and said with a sob, "Kevin, thank you."

It's all because she didn't grasp the time well and didn't fulfill her duties as a mother, that's why Nian Xuan fell ill.

"Kevin, did I delay your voyage?" Yao Yuxing suddenly remembered something, hurriedly left Ye Kaiwen's arms, looked up at him, and said apologetically.

"I've already called back to the headquarters to ask for leave, don't worry." Ye Kaiwen looked at the apology in her eyes, and quickly comforted her and said, "Xiao Yuyu, is your company very busy, why do you have to turn off your phone?"

Speaking of this, Yao Yuxing didn't know why the phone turned off. It should be that the off button was squeezed in the bag, so the phone turned off automatically.

 Where is the collection? Where is the collection~ The baby in the collection has meat to eat~ Follow Xiaobai and have meat~
(End of this chapter)

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