Chapter 236 Too Weak

"Kevin, I don't know about this either. When I turned on the phone, I found the caller ID of you and the hospital. I guessed that something happened to Nianxuan." Yao Yuxing was a little bit overwhelmed, her body trembled slightly, even a little shaky.

Seeing this, Ye Kaiwen steadied her body just in time, and sat down on the bench beside her.

And Tang Yichen, who followed in, stood at the other end of the corridor, watching Yao Yuxing throw himself into the arms of another man, a look of pain flashed in his eyes, and there was a sharp knife scratching his heart.

"Yichen, come with me and talk to you about Nianxuan." Du Lingheng suddenly appeared behind Tang Yichen, he reached out and pressed Tang Yichen's thick shoulder, and said softly.

Tang Yichen turned his head and looked at Du Lingheng, "What's wrong with Nian Xuan?"

"Let's talk in my office." Du Lingheng glanced at Tang Yichen and said in a low voice, then his eyes fell in the distance, he turned and walked towards the office.

No matter how much Tang Yichen hated him, he still couldn't go forward and pull away the man who was making intimate gestures with Yao Yuxing. Nian Xuan is one of the people Yao Yuxing cares about the most, and the most important thing right now is Nian Xuan illness.

Yao Yuxing is right, in the past three years, he has not been responsible to them, he only gave Nianxuan an account, but he did not give Guo Nianxuan any warmth.

However, whenever he thinks of Nian Xuan's innocent smile that day, his heart will melt because of Nian Xuan's smile.

That kind and innocent child should not be tortured by the disease.

He also saw that Yao Yuxing was highly nervous because of Nian Xuan's fever and cold. No matter who touched Nian Xuan, she would open all her thorns to protect Nian Xuan.

"Ling Heng, how is Nianxuan's situation?" Tang Yichen followed Du Lingheng to the office, before he sat down, he asked.

"Yichen, I can only say that Nianxuan's situation is not optimistic. What he needs is wholehearted care, and he can't be careless." Du Lingheng handed the report to Tang Yichen, "I was in Nianxuan before I learned about his situation from the attending doctor, and I was considering whether to tell Yao Yuxing about this matter, but seeing her current mood, it is not suitable for me to know the result."

"You mean that Nian Xuan's life is in danger at any time, don't you?" Tang Yichen asked with a frown.

When he spoke, he even stopped breathing.

"It depends on his later stage. He is still young and weak, so he is not suitable for surgery." Du Lingheng's voice was a little low. Today he was standing aside, watching Nianxuan's attending doctor treat him. My heart skipped a beat.

If the child collapsed, that stubborn woman would definitely not be able to bear it, so he asked the doctor to conceal the situation from Yao Yuxing.

"Yichen, I heard Ruonan mention that his new assistant is Yao Yuxing? Is this true?" Du Lingheng looked at Tang Yichen and asked, "Huanxing Film and Television Company is a subsidiary company of yours, you asked her to work there , and Ruo Nan as an assistant? Yichen, have you ever thought that the life in the entertainment industry is not suitable for a pure girl like her, even if she is not involved in it, it is not good for her, and it is not good for her to take care of Nian Xuan, you should persuade her well."

Hearing this, Tang Yichen frowned slightly, Yao Yuxing's stubbornness cannot be persuaded by anyone, even he started to have nothing to do with her.

In the past, no matter what decision he made, she was unwilling to reconcile, but she would not resist him, but since the Tang family's old house came back, she has changed her whole person, not only resisting him, but also swearing at him, what? She can say the unfeeling words.

(End of this chapter)

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