Chapter 237 Take pity on her

He also knows that she is tabooing the relationship with him, and she wants to use this method to make him feel disgusted with her, because he once told her that he doesn't like unreasonable and disobedient women, as long as he Tired of her, will completely set her free.

In the beginning, it's not that she didn't struggle, it's just that her struggle was futile in his eyes, because he wouldn't let her leave at all.

"Ling Heng, no matter how much it costs, you must use the best medicine for Nian Xuan!" Tang Yichen's dark eyes became darker and darker.

Yao Yuxing showed resentment towards him when he accused her and Bai Che of giving birth to Nianxuan, a little bastard.

But who understands his state of mind?When he said something like that, he felt uncomfortable.

Moreover, Nian Xuan was listed on his household registration book, and he was Nian Xuan's guardian, but he ignored Nian Xuan. When Yao Yuxing took Nian Xuan away, he just wanted to use Nian Xuan to win Yao Yuxing's favor. happy.

"Yichen, you don't need to tell us that we will do it." Du Lingheng sighed softly, "It would be better for Nian Xuan to have the surgery as soon as possible to benefit his future recovery, but his body is too weak. He is not suitable for surgery, and he cannot find a matching bone marrow, and he cannot be operated on in a short period of time."

"Bai Che's bone marrow doesn't match? They are... biological father and son relationship, how could he let Yao Yuxing suffer so much pain alone?" Tang Yichen felt angry when he heard this.

Du Lingheng looked at Tang Yichen with eyes full of astonishment, and said with a frown, "Yichen, do you think Bai Che is Nian Xuan's biological father?"

Hearing from Tang Yichen's mouth, Du Lingheng was still very shocked. When Grandma Tang asked him to help identify the blood relationship between Nianxuan and Tang Yichen, Yao Yuxing happened to bump into her, and she begged him to help her.

He didn't show the results of the appraisal to Grandma Tang or anyone else. He agreed to help her and helped her, but he didn't expect to hurt her.

Because Tang Yichen has the right to know Nian Xuan's true identity.

He didn't expect that Tang Yichen would really think that Nianxuan was Yao Yuxing and Bai Che's flesh and blood.

"She personally admitted to me that Nian Xuan is her and Bai Che's child." Tang Yichen was heartbroken when he said that. He and her had suffered from cancer countless times. There was a chance for her to conceive, but he forced her to conceive. Watch her take contraceptive pills, and even inject contraceptive injections in her body.

And when she took off the contraceptive injection, it was the time when she and Bai Che went to the peninsula for vacation, so needless to say, he could already guess who the child in her belly belonged to.

"Yichen, are you really sure?" Du Lingheng asked again for no reason.

Seeing Tang Yichen nodding, his heart went cold, and he felt wronged for Yao Yuxing.

Yao Yuxing told him that she once wanted Tang Yichen to transplant bone marrow to Nianxuan, but she took his blood for testing and found that he was not suitable for bone marrow transplantation at all, and even mutually exclusive with Nianxuan.

Perhaps because of this, Yao Yuxing became more determined not to let Tang Yichen know the truth.

"Ling Heng, do you think Nianxuan will be my child? This is impossible, and grandma also showed me the DNA report you gave me. I knew the result early in the morning, but when I saw the truth with my own eyes , My heart is uncomfortable." Tang Yichen's eyes dimmed as he spoke, and his heart throbbed with pain.

Du Lingheng sighed secretly in his heart, this fact, since it was wrong at the beginning, let it continue to be wrong, if Tang Yichen was suddenly told that Nianxuan was actually his flesh and blood, he would definitely go crazy!
"It's nothing." Du Lingheng started, tidied up the patient's information on the table, and said in a low voice: "Yichen, no matter what, Yao Yuxing is your... relative and has been with you, so you can treat it as a Have mercy on her, give her freedom, let her put down all guards and take care of Nian Xuan wholeheartedly."

(End of this chapter)

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