Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 239 How Can You Marry Him?

Chapter 239 How Can You Marry Him?
"What's more! You are going to marry Miss Shangguan and Miss Qin soon! What are you keeping Nian Xuan by your side? I'm not generous enough to let another stepmother take care of Nian Xuan!" Yao Yuxing beat him with both hands "Tang Yichen, Nianxuan is my child, why do you want to bring him by your side! What good will it do you! Can you guarantee that other women will take good care of my child!"

She felt uneasy in her heart, she was really afraid that Tang Yichen would snatch Nian Xuan away from her.

Because she asked the lawyer, in terms of law, Tang Yichen is the real guardian of Nian Xuan, and she is just Nian Xuan's mother, if she wants to obtain legal guardianship, the only way is to marry Tang Yichen and become husband and wife with him .

But how could she marry Tang Yichen?
Moreover, the women that Tang Yichen's family chose for him, as well as the women he loved, were all women from famous families and status. How could she, an ordinary woman who couldn't be more ordinary, get his love?

What's more, it's impossible between her and him.

If you observe carefully, you will find that the outline of Nian Xuan is very similar to Tang Yichen, but Nian Xuan's childishness is still there, so it is not so obvious.But if Nianxuan and Tang Yichen were allowed to live together for a long time, this matter would definitely become a hot topic.

"As long as he is by my side, he will be taken care of in every possible way. Let him follow you. If you leave him to others during the day, do you have the ability and energy to take care of him?" Tang Yichen took a step forward and reached out to hold her "Since you can't take good care of him, let me come. After all, I am his guardian!"

Yao Yuxing snorted coldly, "Tang Yichen, don't scare me with the law! I am Nian Xuan's biological mother, and I will take care of her! Not you, a stranger who has no blood relationship with him!"

It's fine for her to bear these pains alone. She doesn't want Nian Xuan to live in pain and suffering just like her once his identity is removed.

If he had known that Nian Xuan was his son, then he would no longer force her to do something she didn't want, and he would no longer force her to have sex with him.

"In your eyes, is Bo Che the real father who can take care of Nian Xuan? Yao Yuxing, don't forget that if he really wants to give you and Nian Xuan a name, he won't be afraid of other people's thoughts , Nian Xuan is over three years old, have you heard him mention raising your mother and child?" What Tang Yichen said was the truth, no matter what the reason was, Bai Che never came forward to admit the truth.

"You don't know anything, so don't talk nonsense here! How do you know that Bai Che is not willing to raise us? I don't want to have any relationship with him, so I reject him. And my son, he only needs one Mother is enough." Yao Yuxing's heart sank suddenly, and she knew that if she didn't explain for the rest of her life, his misunderstanding of her would not fade away with the passage of time, but would intensify, and once things broke out, she would never again Can't hide a secret.

"A child who lacks father's love will not grow up healthily. Do you want to watch Nianxuan grow up in an unhealthy family? If I marry another woman, the first condition is that she has to accept Nianxuan. With the existence of Xuan, treat him as your own son." Tang Yichen's voice turned cold instantly, and when he was speaking, he never took an inch away from her beautiful eyes trembling with tears.

And in this world, there is only one woman who accepts Nian Xuan's existence wholeheartedly. However, this woman is Yao Yuxing.

(End of this chapter)

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