Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 240 You Have No Right to Take My Son

Chapter 240 You Have No Right to Take My Son
"Even so, the man who gave him his father's love will not be you." Yao Yuxing looked at him crying, his voice was almost pleading, "Tang Yichen, please let me go, even for the sake of our past Please let me go, no matter what kind of life I and Nianxuan live in the future, it has nothing to do with you, and I will not bow to you and beg for your help..."

"Yao Yuxing, do you know what you're talking about!" Tang Yichen said coldly, his eyes darkened.

Yao Yuxing's body was a little weak, and the anger radiating from his body made her stunned for a moment, but soon she came to her senses, her brows were deeply furrowed, she sighed deeply, shook her head and said in great pain: "I'm I know what I’m talking about and what I’m doing, so I want to remind you not to do anything beyond what you should do! You don’t have the obligation to raise my son for me! And my son, why should I let you raise and take care of me? Regarding the account, you can remove his name from your account! This is a very simple matter!"

"Yao Yuxing, don't even think about it!" Tang Yichen gritted his teeth and said fiercely.

The strength of holding her wrist gradually became a little heavier, and his deep and dark eyes were full of fury, like a harbinger of the approaching storm.

"Tang Yichen, why are you still entangled! What good will this do for you, me, and Nianxuan!" Yao Yuxing was completely defeated, and his domineering still didn't decrease by half, but intensified.

"Yao Yuxing, I just want to take good care of you mother and child! No matter whose child Nian Xuan is, I don't mind, as long as you stay by my side obediently and don't let me live in fear. "When Tang Yichen was talking, he hugged her tightly into his arms, and put his chin between her hair.

Yao Yuxing's body was stiff when he heard it, how could he say these words in such a grand manner?When he said these words, why didn't he feel uncomfortable and awkward at all?

When he said these words, did he know that he would inexplicably bring her a lot of confusion and distress?
"Yao Yuxing, no matter where you flee to the ends of the earth, I have the ability to find you!" Tang Yichen hugged her slender waist tightly, preventing her from showing any signs of struggle.

"Tang Yichen, let me go!" He pressed Yao Yuxing on her chest and pressed her nose, she was almost out of breath, she pushed him and said.

"Mr. Tang, let her go first, don't you see that she is suffering now?" Ye Kaiwen stood aside, watching Tang Yichen's entanglement with Yao Yuxing, frowned, and went forward to pull Yao Yuxing from Tang Yichen's arms come out.

"What are you, you dare to ask me like that!" Tang Yichen didn't want to hurt Yao Yuxing, so he let Ye Kaiwen take advantage of it. Seeing Yao Yuxing being supported by Ye Kaiwen, Tang Yichen couldn't bear it at all. He strode forward and pulled Yao Yuxing back She went back and confronted Ye Kaiwen coldly: "This is my woman, when is it your turn to protect me as an outsider?"

Yao Yuxing was pulled behind by Tang Yichen, she wanted to break free from the confinement of his big hand, but an extremely weak voice came from her ear, "Mommy...Daddy..."

Yao Yuxing struggled vigorously, she turned towards his back and growled, "Tang Yichen, let go!"

When she broke free, her wrists were all hot. She walked towards the hospital bed and looked at Nian Xuan nervously, "Son, Mommy is here. Don't be afraid, Mommy is here."

"Mummy, Xuan'er has a small wish, can you promise me?" Nian Xuan's voice was extremely weak, like a mosquito's voice.

(End of this chapter)

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