Chapter 242

Yao Yuxing's shoulders trembled when she heard the words, a wry smile appeared on the corner of her lips, her eyes were dull, she stared at him, "Tang Yichen, do you know that the only person who can hurt me is are the one who is here Tormenting myself, and at the same time torturing me, you know, I'm about to be driven crazy by you!"

She pushed Tang Yichen away, choked up and said: "If you don't want to see me die in front of you, you should immediately disappear from my side and don't appear in front of me again!"

Tang Yichen frowned deeply, stepped forward to support her, and said in a deep voice: "Little fish! Don't act like this! What should I do with you if you behave like this! You are a weak woman without any source of income, how can you take care of her?" Good Nianxuan? What Nianxuan needs most now is to be taken good care of him. If you take him everywhere to hide from me, his condition will only get worse, do you understand!"

"This is my business, don't worry about it! What's more, if you don't pester me, will I do this!" Yao Yuxing raised his fist and slammed it on Tang Yichen's chest, complaining: "Tang Yichen, you This pervert, devil, bastard! You are my uncle, how can you come to touch me? I don't want to see you in my life!"

"Little fish! What are you going crazy about! I'm not your uncle, why do you have to impose this relationship on us?" Tang Yichen grabbed her wrist and sternly shouted: "In my eyes , you are just Yao Yuxing, nothing else! You remember this!"

"Tang Yichen, I want you to let my mother go!" She growled at him, "Tang Yichen, did you hear me?"

"Your mother, I'll let someone bring it, but you also have to promise me one thing, can you do it?" Tang Yichen raised his brows, staring at her and said.

"What on earth do you want me to do?" Yao Yuxing now only thinks about her mother's safe return, and she has nothing else to ask for.

"Move back to the manor, don't think about other things, stay in the manor, take care of Nianxuan wholeheartedly, until his body recovers, I will let Du Lingheng be Nianxuan's attending doctor." Tang Yichen looked at her beautiful eyes full of resentment, caressed her cheeks, pulled her scattered hair behind her ears, and said softly: "Xiaoyu, I don't care about any grievances between us, but please Don't involve Nian Xuan, don't you care about him the most, don't you want to watch him suffer?"

Tang Yichen's words made her speechless immediately, she stared at him blankly for a while, "Tang Yichen, you know why I left, you let me go back to the big manor, what mood do you want me to live in again What's more, you have no obligation to help Nianxuan, and I don't want to have anything to do with you anymore, and I don't want to owe you any more favors."

"But you left me, what are you going to do to save Nianxuan? The environment in your community is not suitable for Nianxuan to recuperate." Tang Yichen frowned deeply, looked at her and said.

"..." Yao Yuxing's head was buzzing, and she couldn't think of a word to refute Tang Yichen.

"She lives with Nian Xuan at my house now, and the environment there is quiet and leisurely, perfect for Nian Xuan to recover and recuperate." Suddenly, a voice broke the silence.

Yao Yuxing seemed to have caught a life-saving floating weed suddenly in the sea, she broke free from Tang Yichen, and walked to Ye Kaiwen's side, "Nian Xuan and I can stay at Kevin's house."

"Hmph, Kevin?" Tang Yichen's face darkened, and his voice became unusually cold.

When Yao Yuxing broke free from him and walked to Ye Kaiwen, Tang Yichen exuded a chilly aura all over his body, making the surrounding air suddenly cold.

Calling so intimately, this woman doesn't think much of Tang Yichen, does she?

(End of this chapter)

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