Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 243 Is He the Man Who Lives in Your House?

Chapter 243 Is He the Man Who Lives in Your House?

"Tang Yichen, what are you going to do!" Yao Yuxing watched Tang Yichen walking towards her step by step, her heart trembled suddenly, she knew that he was angry when she saw the chill on his handsome face.

"Screaming so affectionately, when did you catch Shaodong from the International Aviation Group? Xiaoyu, am I worse than him? In the entire financial world and even in this city, as long as I give an order, the economy can recover, and the economy can recover." Collapse, what kind of result do you want to see?" Tang Yichen narrowed his dark eyes and said in a cold voice.

Tang Yichen looked indifferent, looked up at him and said, "Tang Yichen, you always have an expression of superiority! Every time you like to use strong means to force people to a dead end! I don't like your style of doing things the most , If you have anything to do, just come to me!"

"I softly begged you to stay, but you refused. You just want me to use such methods. You blame me? I just want to protect you and Nianxuan. You just need to follow me back to the manor. I can assure you that your mother will return to you safe and sound. If not, let alone you can't see your mother, and everyone around you will be implicated because of you. As for the consequences , I don't know either." Tang Yichen put his hands in his trouser pockets, with an indifferent expression on his face.

"If it's for your son's benefit, take him back to the manor. I believe there is no better place for him to recuperate than in the manor." Tang Yichen said, walked to the bed, looked at Nianxuan, and changed his mind. With tenderness on her face, she asked in a low voice: "Xuan'er, do you want to go back to the manor with Daddy? Grandma will also be there with you, and Daddy."

"Think..." Nian Xuan nodded with red eyes.

"Then let's let Mommy go back together, shall we?" Tang Yichen smiled softly.

"Tang Yichen, you scoundrel! You actually used a child to convince me!" Yao Yuxing heard Tang Yichen's intentions, this man had to force her to make a choice.

"Xiaoyu, I won't let anyone hurt Nianxuan, not even you! Only by my side can he be cared for and recovered! You simply don't have the ability to take care of him and give him the best Good rehabilitation! The daily cost is calculated in ten thousand yuan, can you afford it, and what sources of funds do you have to pay for it?"

Yao Yuxing's face turned pale suddenly, she really did not have any source of funds to treat Nian Xuan's condition.

She began to panic, became disoriented, and even lowered her head, not knowing what to do.

"Responsible for the medical expenses." A clear voice came slowly, "Mr. Tang, I am willing to bear all the expenses of Nianxuan, but please stop pestering Xiaoyu, you didn't see that she is in pain now Is it? If you continue to force her, she will be driven crazy by you. "

Tang Yichen looked over after hearing the reputation, but seeing Ye Kaiwen's calm and serious face, he didn't seem to be lying at all, he frowned and said coldly: "What qualifications do you have to help her do this? Is my warning not enough? Are you desperate?"

Ye Kaiwen stepped forward and said softly, "Of course I have the qualifications to do these things for her, because I owe Xiaoyu a favor. She is my savior. She is in trouble now. I can't be more suitable to help her. On the contrary, it is you, do you think you are suitable? If you force her like this, it will only make her more and more uncomfortable. "

Tang Yichen stared at Yao Yuxing with a sullen face, narrowed his eyes coldly, and said, "Yao Yuxing, is he the man who lives in your house?"

Yao Yuxing's body trembled slightly, she didn't expect that Tang Yichen would only care about that matter.And at this moment, there was a shivering light in his eyes, which made her frightened for no reason.

(End of this chapter)

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