Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 244 How Short of a Man Is?

Chapter 244 How Short of a Man Is?
She didn't even know what he was going to do to her next, she frowned and said, "This has nothing to do with you."

"Yao Yuxing, one Bai Che is not enough, and now there is another Ye Kaiwen. How much do you need a man? Do you know how much your behavior will affect Nian Xuan and the shadow of his childhood?" Tang Yichen clenched his hands tightly. Cheng fist, he desperately suppressed the anger in his body, "Go back to the manor with me, Nian Xuan's condition will be cured, and you will be able to reunite with your mother."

Tang Yichen's cold words pierced Yao Yuxing's heart, making her breathless, staring at his cold and resolute handsome.

She knew that he could say and do it.

"Mommy, I want to go home...Xuan'er doesn't like being here..." Nian Xuan lay on the bed, watching them confront each other, felt uncomfortable for a while, and finally cried softly.

Tang Yichen regained his composure, walked up to Nian Xuan, rubbed his hair, and said softly: "Xuan'er, Daddy will take you home later, grandma is waiting for you at home."

After hearing Tang Yichen's promise, Nian Xuan closed his tired eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

"Tang Yichen, you can't take Nianxuan away!" Yao Yuxing said anxiously, going forward to stop Tang Yichen.

Tang Yichen gave her a cold look, "Yao Yuxing, you'd better think about the seriousness of this matter for me. If you don't want Nian Xuan's condition to improve, I can let you take him away, but if you want him to get better, Just listen to me."

Under such circumstances, Yao Yuxing was undecided, and even a little at a loss. She looked at her sleeping son with regret in her eyes.

"Yu Xing, just listen to Yichen, what Nian Xuan needs most now is a good environment to recuperate, Nian Xuan cares about you so much, if he sees you every day, his mood will definitely improve. And I judge that the reason why Nian Xuan fell ill this time is because he couldn't bear so much pressure, so he fell down." Du Lingheng stood at the door listening to the dispute between the two people inside, and finally stood up Helping Tang Yichen to speak, "Yu Xing, Yichen did this for Nianxuan. If you accompany Nianxuan unilaterally, it would be more effective to accompany him with Yichen."

"Doctor Du, what are you talking about?" Yao Yuxing looked at Du Lingheng incredulously, "Nian Xuan is so young, how can he feel any pressure?"

She never thought that Nian Xuan would be under any pressure.

"Let's go out and talk first." Du Lingheng looked at the situation in the ward. The conversation between him and Yao Yuxing should not be heard by others, especially Tang Yichen.

Yao Yuxing also noticed what Du Lingheng wanted to say, so he nodded and followed Du Lingheng.

"Xiaoyu, where are you going?" Ye Kaiwen hurriedly asked Yao Yuxing when he saw Yao Yuxing passing by.

"I'll go out for a while." Yao Yuxing looked at Ye Kaiwen, and said after a while: "Kevin, thank you, I don't want to cause you too much trouble."

What Tang Yichen said to Ye Kaiwen just now, she also felt something wrong, because with Tang Yichen's temperament, he would definitely treat Ye Kaiwen like he treated Bai Che.

Ye Kaiwen is an outsider, if she is implicated because of her, her conscience will definitely feel bad.

Before Ye Kaiwen could speak, Yao Yuxing started to follow Du Lingheng out.

"The endless quarrels between you will bring silent pressure to the children, not to mention that Nian Xuan has been sick since he was a child. While you are torturing each other like this, you are also hurting the children." Du Lingheng said His eyes fell on Yao Yuxing, and he said softly: "Yuxing, trust me once, Yichen will take good care of you and won't let the Tang family hurt you."

Yao Yuxing raised his eyes to look at Du Lingheng, his eyes flashed with doubt.

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(End of this chapter)

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