Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 245 She Wasn't a Believer

Chapter 245 She Wasn't a Believer

About Nian Xuan's identity, only Du Lingheng knew, and now even she herself didn't know what to do, or even what to do next, she didn't know.

"Yu Xing, you are also very clear in your heart that Nian Xuan's illness requires huge expenses and your careful care. And these expenses, Yichen should bear this responsibility, if even he does not bear the responsibility Responsibility, who do you ask to be responsible?" Du Lingheng stretched out his hand, pressed Yao Yuxing's shoulder, and chuckled, "You are a smart girl, and you will definitely make the right choice."

"Doctor Du, if I go back to the manor again, Grandma Tang and the others will definitely not like it, and I have promised them that I will never have anything to do with Tang Yichen." Yao Yuxing thought, if he returned to the manor, he would violate the law. The promise made to Grandma Tang.

"Yu Xing, then you have to be clear. Nianxuan is the blood of the Tang family. They have the obligation to take all the responsibilities, instead of letting you bear all the responsibilities alone." Du Lingheng interrupted Yao Yuxing "Let's not talk about the promise between you and Grandma Tang, but you also have to think about Nian Xuan. The only one who can help Nian Xuan get through this difficult time is Tang Yichen."

"He is about to get engaged to Shangguan Jinhuan. If I go back to the manor, it will only cause unnecessary trouble for him. I can take good care of Nianxuan by myself." Yao Yuxing's fair fingers twiddled her skirt One corner, bit his lip and said.

Du Lingheng was stunned for a while, and then asked, "Yu Xing, are you actually worried about Tang Yichen?"

"What?" Yao Yuxing frowned, a little puzzled, did Du Lingheng misunderstand something about her words?
"There are so many things that happened, and the people of the Tang family want you to quit, so you just quit. It's actually unfair to you, and you left quietly, because you didn't want to embarrass Tang Yichen and get caught in the middle of you, right?" Du Ling Heng looked straight at Yao Yuxing, not giving her the slightest chance to avoid the question.

Yao Yuxing was silent for a moment, and finally said, "Mr. Du, you are a doctor. Given the relationship between me and Tang Yichen, is it a miracle that Nian Xuan was born with normal limbs? And Nian Xuan has been weak and sickly since birth, isn't it three generations old? Because of close relatives? I think you, as a doctor, must know this question better than me."

"Yu Xing, aside from this question, if you take Nian Xuan away at this time, his condition will definitely deteriorate, but if you stay in the manor and let him receive treatment and care, he will definitely get better. "Du Lingheng said anxiously.

"You have also seen that because of your affairs, Yichen has lost a lot of weight, and even put down a lot of business, in order to do something to get your forgiveness and acceptance."

"Dr. Du, you don't have to say good things for him. No matter how good he is to me, I can no longer accept his kindness." Yao Yuxing took a step back, shook his head and said, "Since staying by his side is the only one who saved Nian Xuan If there is a way, then I am willing to stay."

"As for Grandma Tang, I will also help explain it, and you can stay in the manor with peace of mind." Du Lingheng breathed a sigh of relief, and finally settled the matter, "Yu Xing, you have to believe a word , keep it until the bright moon sees the clouds bloom."

Yao Yuxing heard this, and smiled wryly, "Dr. Du, as a doctor, are you so unprofessional? The relationship between me and him, you let me guard the moon to see the clouds?"

After Yao Yuxing said that, she turned and left. She was thinking about how to face and deal with his family and Shangguan Jinhuan if she returned to the manor.

Shangguan Jinhuan is definitely not a faithful man and a good woman.

(End of this chapter)

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