Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 252 I'll Make You Regret

Chapter 252 I'll Make You Regret

And he didn't regain his composure until he couldn't see Yao Yuxing's figure, looked at Mother Tang and said, "Mom, don't mess around here anymore, take grandma and Shangguan Jinhuan away from here .”

"Hmph, your mother and I will leave naturally later, but you don't want Jin Huan to leave here and let her live in. It's what your grandpa and I meant. Don't you even listen to grandpa's words?" Grandma Tang He reached out to hold Shangguan Jinhuan's hand, and said to her: "Jinhuan, if you need anything, just tell Mrs. Li, and you can live here with peace of mind from now on. Your main thing is not to deal with Yao Yuxing , but how to obtain Yao Yuxing's position in Tang Yichen's heart."

"Grandma, believe me, I will complete the task you entrusted to me. I know that women without ability like to be other people's mistresses. As long as I am here, I will never let Yao Yuxing do anything wrong." Shangguan Jinhuan Hugging Grandma Tang's body, she said softly to Grandma Tang.

"With your words, I am relieved, Grandma Tang." Grandma Tang patted Shangguan Jinhuan on the back and said, "I have wronged you during this period of time. Grandma promises to you that she will never let Yao Yuxing enter From the Tang family, the Tang family only recognizes you as a granddaughter-in-law."

"Thank you grandma for your support." Shangguan Jinhuan had a smile on her lips. With the backing of the Tang family, she would definitely be able to drive Yao Yuxing out of here and become the permanent mistress of the manor.

"Yichen, I'll leave Jin Huan to you. You can't bully others! If I find out that you are bullying others, let's see how I deal with you!" Grandma Tang said thoughtfully.

"Grandma, I put my words ahead. If Shangguan Jinhuan suffers any grievances here, it is entirely her own fault." Tang Yichen's cold voice did not decrease by half.

Grandma Tang glared at Tang Yichen, then looked at Shangguan Jinhuan and said, "If you need anything, call grandma anytime, grandma will uphold justice for you."

"Well, thank you grandma." Shangguan Jinhuan nodded.

After Mrs. Tang and Mrs. Tang left, Shangguan Jinhuan blocked Tang Yichen's way. She pressed her enchanting body against Tang Yichen's body, and caressed carelessly on Tang Yichen's body with her tender little hands.

"Brother Chen, tell me, what is the relationship between you and Yao Yuxing? Why did I always feel that Yao Yuxing has an ulterior secret when I heard your conversation just now."

Tang Yichen stretched out his hand impatiently, grabbing Shangguan Jinhuan's wrist without any sympathy, and threw him on the sofa.

"If it wasn't for your grandparents, do you think you could live here?" Tang Yichen looked at Shangguan Jinhuan disdainfully, only a cold voice warned Shangguan Jinhuan, "Yao Yuxing is my woman, you'd better pay attention Don't hurt her! If not, I will make the Shangguan's family suffer!"

Shangguan Jinhuan said disapprovingly: "Brother Chen, I am confident that I can get your heart and body, and I can even replace Yao Yuxing's position in your heart."

Tang Yichen didn't take Shangguan Jinhuan's words to heart, he went upstairs to find Yao Yuxing.

Looking at Tang Yichen's indifferent figure, Shangguan Jinhuan stomped her feet in anger.

She remembered that Grandma Tang had mentioned that Yao Yuxing was from the Cen family, and Grandma Tang's real name was Cen Lixiang.

Shangguan Jinhuan felt that she had to clarify the matter. When Grandma Tang spoke just now, she was concealing something. She could hear it. When she thought of this, she called, "Help me investigate Yao Yuxing's life experience, and take a look. What is her relationship with the Cen family?"

She put down the phone, looked at the place where Tang Yichen disappeared and said, "Tang Yichen, I will make you regret rejecting me in front of other women today."

(End of this chapter)

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