Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 253 I have no feelings for you

Chapter 253 I have no feelings for you
"Tang Yichen, do you really not know what happened to my mother? My mother doesn't even remember me now!" Seeing Tang Yichen walk in, Yao Yuxing questioned him.

"Little fish, calm down first, maybe your mother was frightened, that's why she became like this, she will be fine after a while, now that she is back by your side, don't worry too much." Tang Yichen's voice was unusually soft, at this moment, he had finally brought Yao Yuxing back, and he didn't want to make any mistakes.

"Tang Yichen, they are your family, they did something wrong, you can cover it up for them, but this is my mother, you let me watch her become like this because of your family's torture, how can you let me calm down Come down?" Yao Yuxing pushed Tang Yichen away, "If it wasn't for Nian Xuan and my mother, I wouldn't have stayed here and let you criticize me at will!"

Tang Yichen frowned, looking at Yao Yuxing's red eyes, he couldn't express the slightest feeling in his heart, "Xiaoyu, I promise you, I will definitely protect you well."

Yao Yuxing sneered, looked at him helplessly, and said to him with sarcasm: "Tang Yichen, you are a pervert! No matter who tells you about our relationship, you act as if nothing happened."

He can make it so that nothing happens, but she can't.She is an ordinary person, and her three views have not been completely destroyed. However, she is also very afraid that she will fall into Tang Yichen's hands.

"Xiaoyu, I don't want to argue with you. You take good care of Nianxuan and your mother, and I will let Aunt Li do the rest." Tang Yichen took a deep breath and tried hard to control his emotions.

"Tang Yichen, when will you really let me go? You already have a candidate for a fiancee, why do you still pester me? Will this satisfy your perverted psychology?" She really couldn't Imagining himself would actually be the fulfillment of his morbid needs.

Tang Yichen stopped in his tracks, turned around and stared at her for a moment, then clamped her jaw, leaned forward, kissed her soft lips fiercely, and then let her go, the corners of his lips evoked a hint of cold playfulness, "You're right, I keep you just to meet my sick needs. No matter how hard you struggle, I won't allow you to leave me for half a step. You came back to the manor today, and don't even think about leaving under the pretext of me in the future." idea!"

Yao Yuxing's body trembled, and her skin got goosebumps. She resented having skin-to-skin contact with him.

She took a few steps back in horror, "Tang Yichen, you really are a pervert!"

"Yes, I am willing to be a pervert for you! And perverts do things recklessly, do you want to try?" Tang Yichen pressed her step by step, pushing her into a corner, leaning on the wall with one hand, leaning over to look at her , said evilly: "Why do I see a trace of jealousy in your eyes?"

"Who is jealous!" Yao Yuxing said to him with a blushing face, "Shameless thing!"

"I didn't even say you were jealous, but you are so eager to admit it?" Tang Yichen's black eyes dangled like the warm sun in winter, clear and brilliant, he looked at Yao Yuxing slowly, he was confused by her creamy skin , stretched out her slender fingers, gathered her hair, and asked in a low voice, "Are you upset that grandma let Shangguan Jinhuan live in?"

"Stop being so sentimental here! Ever since I knew about our relationship, I don't have that kind of feeling for you anymore!" She turned away, avoiding his deceptive eyes.

"So, before that, you had feelings for me, didn't you?" Tang Yichen caught her words and asked in a concentrated voice.

(End of this chapter)

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