Chapter 277 Revenge Comes
What Yao's mother said made Yao Yuxing feel uncomfortable, but her mother had to worry about her affairs.

With tears in her eyes, she shook her head gently and said hoarsely, "Mom, I'm fine."

"Son, Mom is sorry for letting you get involved in this dispute." Yao's mother apologized all over her face, "You have to bear the burden of what Mom did wrong. Mom is really sorry for you."

"Mom, I'm fine. You didn't feel sorry for me. It's my fault. It's my disobedience that made you worry." Yao Yuxing's heart was extremely heavy.

Yesterday, the mother also said that she was not the daughter of Yao's mother, she was still uneasy, she was both happy and sad.

What she was happy about was that if she wasn't Yao's mother's biological daughter, then the relationship between her and Tang Yichen would not constitute a crime of incest because of kinship.

On the contrary, she didn't know how to face and deal with the relationship with Tang Yichen.

"You came just in time. Let's explain the matter clearly today and settle the accounts!" Grandma Tang said coldly.

Yao Yuxing pulled Yao's mother behind him, looked at Grandma Tang and said, "Grandma Tang, I don't know what my mother did wrong before, but I think it's all in the past, and my mother has also been punished by time." , why do you still cling to the past?"

"You mother and daughter are of the same virtue!" Grandma Tang scolded coldly.

"Grandma Tang, I can understand your prejudice against me, but please don't criticize my mother again and again! If that man doesn't come to provoke my mother, will my mother be with him? Why do you always look at problems? Do you want to pour your faults on others, and not be able to self-examine whether you are at fault?" Every word Yao Yuxing said seemed to penetrate an inexplicable force, which made people feel ashamed after hearing it.

But Grandma Tang couldn't keep her face down, her complexion sank, she narrowed her eyes slightly, and sneered: "You are really well-spoken, but have you ever thought that if you didn't seduce men everywhere, you would Is there such a result?"

Yao Yuxing was exhausted, he really needed endurance to deal with the Tang family, if not, he would die sooner or later.

"Grandma Tang, do you have anything else to do?" Yao Yuxing took the initiative to admit defeat.

"You think this is the end of the matter?" Grandma Tang got angry when she saw Yao Yuxing's indifferent expression.

"Then what else do you want? Are you arguing with us like this, is it interesting? You keep saying that you ruined everything about Tang Yichen because of me, but what about you, if you are arguing like this, it won't hurt him Pressure?" Yao Yuxing shook Mother Yao's shoulder.

"Yao Yuxing, are you teaching me a lesson? You are a junior, what right do you have to teach me a lesson?" Grandma Tang said angrily.

"If my words have disturbed you, I apologize to you, but I also hope that you will stop attacking me and my mother personally, okay?" Yao Yuxing's tone was pleading.

"Impossible!" Grandma Tang sternly shouted.

Yao's mother looked at the old man in front of her accusing Yao Yuxing. She couldn't see it, so she hurriedly broke away from Yao Yuxing's hands, went forward to hold Grandma Tang's hand, and said, "Mrs. Tang, don't you think this is retribution? Once you How did you treat me? Now it’s all retribution! Isn’t it ironic that your grandson fell in love with my daughter? Is the relationship between them difficult for you to accept?”

"Let me tell you, this is the retribution for your cruelty back then!"

Mother Yao laughed loudly as she spoke, "Old Madam Tang, you treated me like that before and separated Minghua and me. Now, it is my daughter who is here to take revenge on you!"

"Crazy!" Grandma Tang trembled, her expression changed drastically.

(End of this chapter)

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