Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 278 Are You Aren't Afraid Of Public Opinion?

Chapter 278 Are You Aren't Afraid Of Public Opinion?

"Am I crazy, or are you perverted?" Yao's mother pointed to Grandma Tang and said, "Back then you threatened and lured me to abort the fetus. If I hadn't hugged the fetus, I would never let you go even if I was a ghost in this life." of!"

Grandma Tang's face became paler and paler, because Shangguan Jinhuan kept staring at her, especially what Shangguan Jinhuan said: "Grandma Tang, tell me, what is the relationship between you and this crazy woman? I heard her say that Yao Yuxing is a member of the Cen family? What's going on?"

Grandma Tang was a little overwhelmed. When she regained her composure, she said to Shangguan Jinhuan, "Jinhuan, you say she is crazy, how can you believe her words?"

"Grandma Tang, how can you hide these things from me?" Shangguan Jinhuan shook his head and said in disbelief, "How can Yao Yuxing and Tang Yichen be together! Why are they so shameless! How dare they...incest !"

"Jin Huan, why do you say that about Yichen! He was coerced, and it's all the fault of the mother and daughter. After climbing up to Yichen, they didn't want to let go. I asked them to leave with money, but they didn't want to leave! Even if I left, I still couldn't bear it, didn't I come back here with a stern face now?" Grandma Tang pointed to Yao Yuxing, and explained to Shangguan Jinhuan with grief and indignation: "My child, I don't want you and Yichen to be together. Cultivate and cultivate feelings in time, and when feelings come, will you get engaged and get married?"

"Grandma Tang, but do you know that you lied to me! I don't mind Yao Yuxing being by brother Chen's side for three years, but what I mind is the incest between them! The relationship between them makes me feel sick, I can't Accept these facts!" Shangguan Jinhuan realized later, "You use me to prevent their continued development, how can you use me!"

It was the first time that Shangguan Jinhuan faced the relationship between Tang Yichen and Yao Yuxing head-on. Previously, she had always naively thought that Yao Yuxing was just Tang Yichen's adopted mistress. When he got tired of playing with him, she would naturally marry a A woman who is worthy of his status, after all, among the nobles, the most important thing is to be of the right family.

"Jin Huan, listen to me, it's not like this." Grandma Tang always wanted to hide the fact, but was exposed by Yao's mother. She just didn't want Shangguan Jinhuan to know Yao Yuxing's identity. Jin Huan was shocked.

Now, I'm afraid things can't be hidden.

"Don't listen to this old lady's slanderous words. What this old lady cares about most is face. The Tang family and the Cen family all think that every woman they marry is a woman of status. At that time, I was still a companion. Miss Jiu, every time Cen Minghua leaves the stage, he will call out my name. Once he is a stranger and second time he is acquainted, my life's innocence will be ruined in Cen Minghua's hands. If he hadn't given me the promise that he would marry me, I wouldn't have given it to me. I handed it over to him, and even took the risk of giving birth to a daughter for him."

"You rich people are full of benevolence and morality, but in fact, the inside is dark!"

"Grandma Tang, what she said is the truth? Is Yao Yuxing really the daughter of her and Uncle Minghua?" Shangguan trembled slightly, she couldn't accept the relationship between Tang Yichen and Yao Yuxing, "Then Tang Yichen is Yao Yuxing's daughter Uncle? Grandma Tang, even though elder brother Chen is excellent and perfect, even if all the women in the world want to marry, but I cannot accept that he once had incest with a woman who is related by blood, even without shame gave birth to a son!"

"Nian Xuan is not Yichen's son! Jin Huan, calm down, don't listen to their nonsense." Grandma Tang reached out to hold Shangguan Jin Huan's hand, "Jin Huan..."

"Yao Yuxing, you are really shameless, you actually have incest with your own uncle, aren't you afraid of public opinion!" Shangguan Jinhuan asked Yao Yuxing who was silent and pale.

(End of this chapter)

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