Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 284 You Are My Tang Yichen's Woman

Chapter 284 You Are My Tang Yichen's Woman

"Uncle, what are you trying to prove by doing this? Do you know how I feel when you say such a thing? No matter what, I am my mother's daughter." Yao Yuxing said lightly, "You Don't pretend to show me proofs, I know that if you want to get these proofs, it will be easy."

"If you really put the facts in front of me, I will hate you. I don't want to be an orphan, I just want to be my mother's child."

"But, Xiaoyu, have you ever thought about my feelings?" Tang Yichen tightened his grip on her shoulders, he looked into her eyes seriously and said, "Xiaoyu, if we don't have any blood relationship, but But because I don't prove it, I don't care what other people think of us, it just makes you feel wronged."

"I said, I don't want to be an orphan!" Yao Yuxing looked at him firmly, "Don't try to prove anything, I won't believe it."

Tang Yichen has seen countless people, he only needs to glance at her lightly, he can see the fear in her eyes, and asked quickly, "Xiaoyu, do you know something and hide it from me?"

"No, you're thinking too much!" Yao Yuxing shook her head, and said lightly, she pushed him away, "Even if we are not related by blood, so what? You are all about the right family, and I don't have a rich background to be worthy of it." Thinking of you, for you, I can't afford to be high."

"I don't care about these." Tang Yichen said firmly, "I don't need you to be outstanding, I just want to stay by my side, and the woman I will spend my whole life with is called Yao Yuxing."

"Let's stop entangled in this topic. We are not suitable for long-term development, and the relationship between us is not allowed." Yao Yuxing said lightly, and she looked back at him, "You are a smart man, don't you know What kind of woman can help you?"

It's scary that in this world, only women like Shangguan Jinhuan and Qin Suya are worthy of him. She is just an ordinary girl who couldn't help him in any way.

"I just need a gentle and considerate girl. She will get angry because I don't eat on time, she will dare to turn against me because I drink alcohol, and she will accept my hard and smelly temper." Tang Yichen gently pushed her He held her face in his palm, looked at her seriously, and said softly: "And that girl is you."

"I'm not gentle or considerate, I'm very fierce." Yao Yuxing's heart skipped a beat, he actually said her so well.

She didn't even realize that she was as good as he said. In fact, she treated him like that only because she found out that he didn't like women who nagged and disobeyed him.

So she always acted according to his dislike, but for some reason, not only did her behavior not work, but it attracted his attention even more, and even won his liking.

She has only just realized that no one likes to be pointed and controlled by others, but it depends on the person.

If he loves you and cares about you, even if you stab him in the chest with a knife, he will smile and say to you, "Honey, I know you didn't mean it, and I won't blame you."

She was the one who took the knife, and Tang Yichen was the one who got stabbed.

"Tang Yichen, you can let go. If you want to see me in the future, I will come to you. If you are free, you can ask me out for a get-together." Yao Yuxing said softly.

"I won't let go, Yao Yuxing, don't I know how little you think?"

"No matter what, I will fix you for the rest of my life. No matter who you are, you can only be my Tang Yichen's woman." Tang Yichen leaned forward and kissed her deeply on the forehead, domineeringly Said.

(End of this chapter)

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