Chapter 285 Breaking News
"XXX's superiors have means, and the presidents of two major groups are all in their pockets."

A headline news occupied the entire entertainment section and the pages of the financial newspaper, and even spread the news wildly on the Internet.

The faces of the two male and female protagonists in the news are clearly visible.

"Assistant Su, block this newspaper, find someone to hack the IP address that uploaded the photos of the incident, and find the perpetrator for me." Tang Yichen threw the newspaper on the table, coldly Said.

He looked at the photo of Bai Che leaning over and kissing Yao Yuxing deeply, and anger grew in his heart. The contrast between this group of photos and the photos between them was so great!
If people who don't know look at these two sets of photos, they will think that she and Bai Che are the real couple, and he is the domineering president who robs women.

"Yes, President." Assistant Su Te stood aside, trembling for no reason from the coldness emanating from Tang Yichen's body.

"Assistant Su, I only give you 10 minutes." Tang Yichen said coldly.

"Yes!" After speaking, Assistant Su took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of the technical department, briefly explained Tang Yichen's words, and then asked someone to block the newspaper.

When Su Tezhu brought the police to the **** news newspaper office, the person in charge turned pale, and hurriedly stepped forward to ask, "Su Tezhu, what happened?"

"The museum is closed." Assistant Su Te said simply.

"Assistant Su, you have to have a reason to close the newspaper."

"You have to pay the price for the news you published today." Su Tezhu said lightly: "I also came to work with the order of the boss sealed."

"Today's news?" The person in charge's face darkened, and he turned around and took a newspaper from the table. The colored section of the headline was an offensive news. The person in charge was furious, "Call me Xiao Li and that intern reporter. !"

The person in charge was puzzled. This society is in the age of electronics. The performance of their newspaper office has plummeted, but today's business performance has increased by a few points. He was so busy that he didn't even have time to put it on his desk. newspaper to see what's going on.

After a while, Xiao Li and the intern reporter both arrived. They were the two reporters who appeared at the charity gala that night.

"Boss, did you call us here for something?" the male reporter Xiao Li asked in a low voice.

"This news is not allowed to be published! How dare you two be so courageous! How dare you disobey me!" The person in charge was furious.

He suppressed the news because he saw that the man in the photo was the resolute Tang Yichen.He also estimated that as long as there is a report about his deeds, their newspaper office will definitely be able to come back to life, not to mention that it is about Tang Yichen's private life, which is even more interesting.

When Xiao Li and the trainee reporter came to him with this group of photos, he also knew the value of the news, but in order not to offend Tang Yichen, he finally refused to submit it for approval.

"Boss, I'm sorry, we also want to help the newspaper." Xiao Li quickly apologized.

"The newspaper office has been shut down. You two will bear the serious consequences of all this." The person in charge returned to the office after leaving these words.

Xiao Li and the intern reporter turned pale. They didn't expect the matter to become so serious, and the printing department was still ramping up the production of various magazines.

Xiao Li and the trainee reporter also took legal responsibility for this, but Xiao Li was not convinced, so he went to the person who hired him to do the work.

"What are you still looking for me? We have already cleared our money and goods, so you shouldn't come looking for me again." A woman wearing the latest hat and sunglasses sat down coldly beside her, The voice was unusually indifferent.

(End of this chapter)

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