Chapter 286

"Miss Shangguan, we are only responsible for reporting the news. Now that the newspaper office has been shut down, you want us to drink northwest wind in the future? After this incident, I don't have to be in the same industry anymore." Xiao Li looked at the disguise in front of him. The woman said dissatisfiedly, "With your tens of thousands of yuan, do you want to end up like this?"

"Then what do you want? Blackmail me? If you dare to push the matter on me, relying on the power of the Shangguan family, let alone you can't get along in the industry, you don't even want to gain a foothold in other industries, I will let you You are worse than a beggar." Shangguan Jinhuan snorted coldly, stood up quickly, picked up the cup at the side, and poured the coffee on Xiao Li's face. condition!"

"Miss Shangguan, hold back!" Reporter Xiao Li suppressed his anger, he also stood up, and played a video for Shangguan Jinhuan to watch, "I know you rich people like to look clean when doing things, So when you approached me, I kept a hand. I thought if I showed Tang Yichen the video of our transaction, what do you think he would do?"

"I'm afraid your style will drop a few grades, let alone marrying into the Tang family. Although the power of your Shangguan family is divorced, compared with the Tang family, I think your Shangguan family is also..." Xiao Li said, doing He gestured with his thumb down, and said to Shangguan Jinhuan with a smile.

Shangguan Jinhuan looked at that video, and his face suddenly turned pale!

He picked up the SLR camera and slammed it on the ground!
"You want to threaten me? Miss Ben, I have never been afraid!" Shangguan Jinhuan said coldly, "This is what I want. Tang Yichen is angry, and that bitch's reputation is ruined! I also have to thank you for risking my life to help me log in. This news."

"Miss Shangguan, you can smash it as you like, I have a lot of savings." Xiao Li felt heartbroken seeing the DSLR being smashed, but he couldn't bear the woman in front of him turning her face and denying it.

"You want to blackmail me? You don't want to take a pee to see who you are." Shangguan Jinhuan didn't want to waste time with him here, so he dropped a hundred yuan bill and left, "I'll treat you to this coffee! How bad luck!"

Looking at the ironic one hundred yuan, Xiao Li exploded with anger, this woman is really not a good thing!The coffee she ordered cost more than one hundred yuan, and she actually asked him to pay for it.

Thinking of Shangguan Jinhuan's aggressive sarcasm, he made a decision.

After the news was reported, after a month of contact, those reporters shifted their position from reporting the star's whereabouts and reported everything about Yao Yuxing.

In an instant, Yao Yuxing became a well-known 'celebrity', and there were constant reports about her past and present situation.

Being fostered, getting pregnant out of wedlock, superiors, mistresses, robbing men, mistresses... All kinds of topics have been spread like crazy.

The news reports one after another were overwhelming, and Yao Yuxing's life was seriously affected, she didn't even have the courage to go out.

She never reads newspapers, nor does she pay attention to gossip on the Internet. She goes shopping with Mrs. Li as usual.

When she appeared in the shopping mall, someone took out their mobile phone to take pictures of her, and kept asking her about her affairs like asking a celebrity. She was inexplicable, and she was even surrounded by more and more people.

She was blocked and the water was impassable, and Mrs. Li was also squeezed out of the crowd.

Bursts of flashes of light kept flashing fiercely at her eyes.

She was pushed off her feet by the crowd.

"I'm sorry, I don't know you, you have found the wrong person." Yao Yuxing said with difficulty.

"But we know you, you are almost an Internet celebrity, the hottest topic on the Internet, there are many reports of your cartoon version on the Internet, do you want to read it, I have saved a lot here..." Someone replied.

"I don't understand what you are talking about. Get out of the way. I'm just here to buy things." Yao Yuxing was surrounded and couldn't get out, and she couldn't see Mrs. Li when she looked around.

(End of this chapter)

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