Chapter 300 Out of Danger

"Sister-in-law Li, can you hear me? Wake up soon, okay?" Yao Yuxing said in a choked voice while holding Mrs. Li's cold hand, "Sister-in-law Li, you can't sleep anymore. You have to wake up and let me People who hurt you get what they deserve, and you can't let them get away with it."

"Zhang Xiaoju said that my mother pushed you down, but I don't believe it. Now all the evidence is against my mother." Yao Yuxing held Sister Li's hand tightly, "Sister Li, now only you can prove that my mother It's clear."

"Sister-in-law Li, I'm sorry. After living with you for so many years, I didn't realize that your physical condition is not good, and I asked you to take care of me and Nianxuan, and worry about my affairs with Tang Yichen. Sister-in-law Li, as long as you wake up I will take good care of you and treat you like a mother."

But no matter what Yao Yuxing said, Mrs. Li always had a peaceful face. Only the fluctuating signal on the electrocardiogram machine could prove that Mrs. Li still had vital signs.

Yao Yuxing came to the hospital every day to talk with Mrs. Li, and Mrs. Li's son, because of his busy work, took a week off to take care of Mrs. Li. When the holiday came, he went back to work. Now Mrs. Li's daughter-in-law took care of her .

Facing Aunt Li's family, Yao Yuxing felt somewhat guilty, and even felt ashamed to face them.

"Have you come to see my mother? Although my mother is out of danger now, she wakes up, and I don't know how long she can last." When Aunt Li's daughter-in-law opened the door, she saw Yao Yuxing's red eyes popping out, so she called out Yao Yuxing said, "Miss Yao, let's talk."

Yao Yuxing turned his back and wiped his tears, then followed Mrs. Li's daughter-in-law out of the ward, and they reached the rooftop.

"Miss Yao, in fact, we didn't deliberately hide it from you. My mother has already found out that she has this disease a few years ago." Aunt Li's daughter-in-law took Yao Yuxing's hand and said tremblingly, "Because the salary of the Tang family Well, in order to save us a few years of hard work, and help us repay the mortgage and the gambling debts that my father-in-law owed during his lifetime, my mother begged the housekeeper to give her a chance to work in the Tang family."

"How could you treat Mrs. Li like this! How do you know that Mrs. Li's body was checked out and something went wrong, but you didn't persuade her to receive treatment?" Yao Yuxing took a breath when he heard this, looked at the woman in front of him in disbelief, shook his head and said : "You really shouldn't! Aunt Li is sick and you don't treat her, and let her go to work to make money to worry about you?"

"I'm sorry! We really got it wrong! We tried to persuade mother, but she said that the medical expenses are expensive, and if she is treated, the burden on the family will be even heavier!" Aunt Li's daughter-in-law burst into tears, "I Every time my mother comes back to her hometown during the holidays, she will mention you, saying that you are a good person, you take care of her a lot, and you are not willing to let her work. And your son often beats her back and plays with her to relieve the pain. Her thoughts on her grandson."

"No matter how heavy the burden is, I can't let Mrs. Li bear so much pain alone." Tears welled up uncontrollably, and she choked up and said, "My son also suffers from leukemia. I know that as a relative, A sense of helplessness and fear..."

"We will take good care of my mother in the future!" Mrs. Li's daughter-in-law nodded and said.

"Don't worry, Tang Yichen said that he will fully bear all the expenses of Mrs. Li this time, you just need to spend more time with her." Yao Yuxing said softly.

"We are sorry for you, too. We have caused you trouble. We also hope that she can wake up as soon as possible and return your mother's innocence."

"Thank you! Mrs. Li will definitely wake up!" Yao Yuxing nodded and replied softly.

"By the way, Ms. Yao, before my husband went back to work, I saw people from Shangguan's family come to him, but I don't know what they talked about." Mrs. Li's daughter-in-law suddenly said to Yao Yuxing.

(End of this chapter)

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