Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 301 Hope You Are Truthful Chapter Answer

Chapter 301 Hope You Answer Truly

Yao Yuxing told Tang Yichen about this, and Tang Yichen immediately asked Su Tezhu to contact Aunt Li's son.

She was really worried that the Shangguan family would use their power to threaten Mrs. Li's son. If this happened, not only would the mother not be cleared of the crime of intentional murder, but Mrs. Li would also be harmed.

"Tang Yichen, is it really all right for you to put Shangguan Jinhuan under house arrest like this? If the Shangguan family is angered, it will be easy for them to deal with me." Yao Yuxing said in fear, she was worried about the Shangguan family What methods will people use to force Mrs. Li's family to give false testimony.

"Isn't there still me? With me here, no one dares to mess around, not even Shangguan Ming has the ability." Tang Yichen wrapped her waist lightly with his big hand and said softly.

"Tang Yichen, all I want is the truth." Yao Yuxing said softly.

"Well, I will tell you the truth." Tang Yichen said firmly with his arms around her.

Little did they know that Shangguan Jinhuan, who was standing outside the door, overheard their conversation in the room.

Shangguan Jinhuan frowned deeply when she heard this, a wave of anger spread in her heart, she clenched her fists tightly, gritted her teeth and cursed in her heart: "Yao Yuxing, you really think I can't do anything about you !"

After Shangguan Jinhuan returned to the room and locked the door, she called Shangguan Ming: "Father, send someone to investigate the hospital near the place where Yao Yuxing lived before, and find some evidence that her mother sent her to the hospital." , before Mrs. Li wakes up, I must punish her mother!"

"Jin Huan, tell Dad the truth, Mrs. Li, did you do it?" Shangguan Ming asked on the phone.

"Dad, if I really didn't do anything, will I ask you to help me settle these things?" Shangguan Jinhuan squeezed the phone tightly, and said to Shangguan Ming on the other end of the phone, "Dad, just help me with this." Once, Mrs. Li was just a servant, how could I go to jail?"

Shangguan Ming was silent for a moment, and finally said: "Jin Huan, I have wronged you for a few days, and my father needs time to investigate. I will definitely let Mother Yao take care of all this for you."

"Hey, Dad, you send someone to the hospital to watch Mrs. Li, and don't let her talk!" Shangguan Jinhuan gritted her teeth.

"Jin Huan, don't do such unreasonable things in the future, if Tang Yichen knows about our matter, he will definitely blame him." Shangguan Ming said in a deep voice.

"Father, I know I was wrong!" Shangguan Jinhuan said in a low voice.

One day later, the police came to Dazhuang, and they came when Tang Yichen was going to work.

They found Yao Yuxing, "Miss Yao, please cooperate with us and record a statement for us."

Yao Yuxing looked at them puzzled, and asked in a concentrated voice, "Did something happen?"

"It's like this. We investigated a report. You have been admitted to the hospital many times because of domestic violence, right?" The police took out the notebook and began to record.

Yao Yuxing's face darkened, she looked at the policeman timidly, and asked with frowned eyebrows, "What do you mean?"

"Miss Yao, we need to collect evidence now. I hope you can answer truthfully. We will investigate the results based on your statement." The policeman held a pen and looked at Yao Yuxing and said.

"Yes..." When Yao Yuxing answered, a burst of panic arose in his heart.

"Are all these injuries caused by your mother?" the policeman continued to ask.

"My mother is because..." Yao Yuxing was about to explain, but was interrupted: "Miss Yao, you just need to answer 'yes' or 'no'."

"Yes..." Yao Yuxing's palms were already sweating!

(End of this chapter)

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