Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 313 I Can Give You What You Want

Chapter 313 I Can Give You What You Want

Satisfied, Shangguan Ming picked up her softness, kissed anxiously, and made a baji baji sound.

Shangguan Ming wanted her to use the Jade Rabbit to satisfy him and release him for him.

Su Qingqing blushed, watching his movements, there was a hint of ambiguity in her winking eyes.

Shangguan Ming could see that his body was stimulated, he shook his body, made her face, the cloudy white remained on her face, he bent down to kiss, and then entered her mouth, letting her taste his taste.

"Mr. Shangguan, have you ever been tempted by a woman? You play with a woman's body, isn't there one that you really pay for?" Su Qingqing's voice was dry and hoarse.

"Why, do you want to be the woman next to me?" Shangguanming put on his clothes, lit a cigarette, took a puff, and asked.

"Mr. Shangguan, I just wanted to serve you, I didn't say I would use this method..." She bit her lip and said.

"I, Shangguanming, have a lot of servants at home. I still need you to serve me? The service I need is like the one just now." Shangguanming flicked the cigarette ash, looked at her for a long time and said, "Su Qingqing, I It's really not worth it for you, what are you doing for your poor boyfriend? After following me, what else are you worried about?"

"I already have him, so I won't do anything to offend him. What happened today is just a reward for your help to us."

Shangguan Ming caressed her smooth body with his rough hands, "Su Qingqing, you are really confused. If you follow him, you will only end up poor. Do you really think that he can give you the happiness you want? He has no car or If you don’t have a career, what can you give you the happiness you want?”

"You followed me, and I promise to let you live in a big villa, drive a luxury car, and carry the most expensive bags."

"Mr. Shangguan, thank you for your kindness." Su Qingqing refused.

"It seems that if you don't let you see something clearly, you won't believe it." As Shangguan Ming said, he took out a USB flash drive from his black leather bag and handed it to Su Qingqing: "You will understand everything after reading this. "

"What is this?" Su Qingqing asked with frowned eyebrows.

"Of course it's your poor boyfriend's efforts to 'advanced' with the money I gave him abroad." Shangguan Ming stood up, inserted the USB flash drive into the computer, and the huge screen appeared on the screen that made Su Qingqing think about it day and night. figure.

However, the man on the screen hangs around in the red light district, and there are all kinds of pornographic photos. The heroine has changed one after another, and even took drugs!
"How is this possible!" Su Qingqing said in disbelief.

"He came to ask me for money in your name. He knew I loved you, so he asked for money as a matter of course. At first I thought he was in trouble outside, but he was greedy and asked again and again. I let People are investigating and following him." Shangguan Ming pinched her jaw, looked at her and said, "A man like this will only treat you like a fool!"

Su Qingqing shed tears, and she hugged the sofa and cried bitterly.

Seeing her pitiful appearance, Shangguanming couldn't help wanting to bully her again, but this time, Su Qingqing was obedient and let Shangguanming make trouble on her.

Afterwards, she looked at Shangguan Ming and asked, "Mr. Shangguan, I can stay by your side, but you have to give me a home. I am an orphan, and I long for a home."

Shangguan Ming looked at her, "Are you willing to part with your man? Are you not going abroad to study and stay with him?"

"He has changed! I thought he would shoulder the responsibility after that incident, but if you didn't tell me the truth, I would still be concealed." Su Qingqing sat up slowly, she looked up at Shangguan Ming , stretched out his arms to embrace Shangguan Ming who was standing in front of him, "From the first time I saw you, I was attracted by the mature smell on your body. It's just that I had a boyfriend by my side at that time, and I couldn't betray him...Since... …now that……"

(End of this chapter)

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