Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 314 Buying a Villa for Su Qingqing

Chapter 314 Buying a Villa for Su Qingqing

Since her boyfriend was sorry for her first, she didn't have to wait for him anymore, and she also had a relationship with Shangguan Ming, so what she wanted was a stable home?
She thought that Shangguan Ming was so rich and powerful that he would be able to satisfy her.

Shangguan Ming felt a pair of small hands wrapped around his waist, he touched her face, and said with a smile: "You should have done this a long time ago, follow me, I will love you well, and someone will take you to see the house tomorrow, see If you want a villa anywhere, just buy it."

Su Qingqing buried her face in Shangguan Ming's fat stomach, she remembered what Shangguan Jinhuan said to her in the corridor of the hospital, she would definitely make Shangguan Ming fall in love with her, and she must rely on her own efforts to become The mistress of the Shangguan family.

She can't stand Shangguan Jinhuan's arrogant, defiant face!
And she seemed to see a familiar figure in Mrs. Li's ward, but she was not sure if that figure was from her memory.

The girl nestled in Tang Yichen's arms looked so helpless, and the purity of her face made Su Qingqing unforgettable.

She always felt like she had seen that girl somewhere.

When Shangguan Jinhuan learned that her father bought Su Qingqing a villa, she called to make a noise, but Shangguan Ming warned her not to meddle in her own business.

Shangguan Jin couldn't tolerate any woman taking away what belonged to her.

Father has so many women outside, at most he gives luxury cars with famous brands, but he has never seen him give a house to a woman.The fact that my father gave Su Qingqing's poor girl a house now means that his father wants to develop with Su Qingqing for a long time!

If this continues, Su Qingqing will definitely rely on her father's aura to occupy everything in the Shangguan family!
She especially hates this kind of poor woman who lives at the bottom of the society and has no background at all. She only wants to turn a sparrow into a phoenix!
And her younger brother, Shangguan Jinxuan, is a stress-free person who lives a carefree life. He has a soft spot for painting, but he is not interested in family business.

If Su Qingqing becomes pregnant with her father's son, then her and Shangguan Jinxuan's status will be shaken!

Shangguan Jinhuan still lives in the manor. She originally wanted to embarrass Yao Yuxing, but when she heard the news that her father had bought a villa for Su Qingqing, she gave up the idea of ​​embarrassing Yao Yuxing, and hurriedly drove away from the manor to Shangguan Group .

"Miss!" The employees of Shangguan Group hurriedly greeted Shangguan Jinhuan when they saw Shangguan Jinhuan appear.

"Miss, the chairman is in a meeting, you go to his office and wait." Shangguan Ming's secretary said to Shangguan Jinhuan.

"Get out! If you still want to work here, don't block my way!" Shangguan Jin said angrily.

While the secretary was still hesitating whether to stop Shangguan Jinhuan, Shangguan Jinhuan had already pushed open the door of the conference room and walked in angrily.

The board of directors stopped immediately.

"Father!" Shangguan Jinhuan called out, and walked to Shangguan Ming's side.

"Jin Huan, why are you so indifferent! Dad is in a meeting!" Shangguan Ming asked Shangguan Jinhuan to go out, "You go out and wait for a few minutes. After the meeting is over, I will come to you."

Shangguan Jinhuan stamped her feet and reluctantly left the conference room.

A few minutes later, Shangguanming entered the office with a sullen face. He walked towards the desk and asked, "My precious daughter, what are you angry about?"

"Father, you promised me that you would not buy a house for any woman! Now you are giving a house to that little bitch Su Qingqing, do you want to marry her?"

"The house is still under my father's name. She just lives there. Since she is my woman, I can't wrong her." Shangguan Ming said.

"You really don't intend to marry her?" Shangguan Jinhuan still doubted his father's approach.

(End of this chapter)

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