Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 319 If You Don’t Like It, You Can Not Appear In Front of Me

Chapter 319 If You Don’t Like It, You Can Not Appear In Front of Me
Tang's manor.

As soon as Tang Yichen got close to Yao Yuxing, Yao Yuxing didn't even look at him, and stepped aside.And he stepped forward many times, and finally she couldn't bear it anymore, looked up at him, suppressed her anger and asked him coldly: "Tang Yichen, what are you going to do! Don't you have a lot of things waiting for you to deal with in your company?" What are you doing wandering around here?"

"Xiaoyu, I know that you are very dissatisfied with Mrs. Li's matter. This matter has come to an end, and Mrs. Li's body has gradually recovered. Don't you want to stop making a straight face at me? "Tang Yichen's tone was very gentle, as low and sweet as a cello.

Yao Yuxing lost all anger when he heard it.

She was dissatisfied with the verdict in her heart. It didn't matter that she and her mother were wronged, but it was really sad for Mrs. Li to suffer such a big wrong!

His behavior made her feel that he was protecting Shangguan Jinhuan.

"If you don't like to see me with a straight face, you don't have to show up in front of me." Yao Yuxing turned away and said lightly.

Tang Yichen heard this, chuckled lightly, pursed his lips and remained silent.

Yao Yuxing felt strange, why was he laughing at her?

"What's so funny!" Yao Yuxing asked, staring at him.

"You are really worrying about your life as Sister-in-law Li said. Sister-in-law Li doesn't pursue this matter anymore, why are you still holding on to it? Is it because Shangguan Jinhuan was not punished?" Tang Yichen stepped forward and stretched Opening his arms, hugging her body, turning his head, biting her cool earlobe, he whispered: "Accompany me to a party tonight."

"I'm not going! If you want to find him, go find Shangguan Jinhuan!" Yao Yuxing raised his hand, trying to break free from him.

But Tang Yichen seemed to have expected her to do this, he tightened his arms and fixed her tightly in his arms.

"It's just a party. I want you to appear in front of the public with me. I want others to know who my woman is." Tang Yichen hugged her tightly and said softly.

"Tang Yichen, are you crazy! I'm not suitable!" Yao Yuxing said anxiously, frowning.

"I said you are suitable, you are suitable, no one is more suitable than you." Tang Yichen kissed her tender cheek,

"At this time, I can't get out of bed at all. My mother and son need me to take care of them." Yao Yuxing's body trembled slightly, his small movements were always very irritating, making her feel a little uncomfortable, but She also has to bear with it, usually if he doesn't start first, she will never ask for it, nor will she provoke him.

She didn't want to make a fuss.

"You don't need to worry about these, I will take care of them. And Nian Xuan also said, let me take you out for a walk." Tang Yichen turned her body around, looked at her deeply and said slightly.

"When did he say these things to you?" Yao Yuxing's face was held in his palms, and she stared at him with beautiful eyes, "Tang Yichen, I'm not suitable for those parties, and I'm not suitable Will not drink."

She thought that the evening parties of these high-ranking officials and dignitaries were probably similar to the plots in the movies. They were all dignitaries from all over the world, gathered together, danced, drank, and exchanged business cards.

"Little fish, I just want you to go with me. I won't let you drink. Besides, if you want to drink, I won't let you drink a drop." His woman doesn't need to touch those things.

"Do you want to be so overbearing!" Yao Yuxing was dissatisfied with his overbearing.

"So you agreed?" Tang Yichen frowned, and when she agreed, he turned around and picked up the evening dress on the bed, "You will wear this evening dress tonight."

Yao Yuxing looked at the evening dress, it was a cheongsam, she opened it and took a look.

(End of this chapter)

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