Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 320 What Are You Doing In The Room?

Chapter 320 What Are You Doing In The Room?

Tang Yichen approached the drawing board, and when he reached out to touch the butterfly, he found that the butterfly was painted on it, and he was even more incredulous.

"Nian Xuan, did you really draw this butterfly? Who taught you?" Tang Yichen looked happy.

Not every person who likes to paint can do this kind of painting that is vivid on paper, let alone it comes from the hands of a child.

"No one taught me. I drew it when I saw a butterfly flying in and wanted to rest on a flower." Nian Xuan said proudly.

"Nianxuan, you are really a little genius! How old are you, you know how to be a painter, and you still have no one to guide you!" Tang Yichen was really surprised!
"Daddy, does it look good?" Nian Xuan asked while hugging Tang Yichen.

"It looks good!" Tang Yichen nodded in approval.

"Then I'll give it to you, you have to keep it well, Mommy will be jealous if she sees it." Nian Xuan said with a giggle.

"Okay!" Tang Yichen leaned forward, put his forehead against Nian Xuan's small forehead, and played with him, and finally he put Nian Xuan down, "What do you want to draw today?"

Nian Xuan sat on the small round stool, he thought for a while, and then said: "I have never had a photo with my daddy and mommy, but I saw that other children's daddy and mommy have a photo together, so I will draw a photo of us together , do you think it's okay, Daddy?"

"Okay, of course." Tang Yichen felt a little sad when he heard it.

That's right, not to mention that they didn't have a group photo, he didn't even have a photo of Yao Yuxing, let alone a group photo of the three of them.

After Nian Xuan obtained Tang Yichen's consent, he began to draw carefully with crayons.

After a while, Nian Xuan handed the finished painting to Tang Yichen, "Daddy, look, I finished the painting."

Tang Yichen looked at the three figures on the drawing paper, and asked with a smile: "Nian Xuan, why did you draw Daddy like this?"

"Mummy said that Daddy never smiled. I want to draw when Daddy smiles. Mommy will be very happy when she sees it like this!" Nian Xuan stretched out his small hand and made a smile on his mouth. "Mummy said Daddy has a poker face, Daddy, what is a poker face?"

Tang Yichen's face darkened, he frowned and asked: "Is that what your mommy said?"

"Yes, Daddy, what is a poker face?"

"Damn woman!" Tang Yichen cursed in his heart, and then he explained to Nian Xuan: "It means that your mommy loves Daddy's handsome face very much, and she can't live without Daddy, understand?"

Nian Xuan nodded with a half understanding.

"Daddy, what were you doing in the room just now? I knocked on the door twice, but you didn't answer." Nian Xuan propped his chin, looked at Tang Yichen and asked.

Tang Yichen was overwhelmed by Nian Xuan's question.

"Daddy is playing with your mommy in the room." Tang Yichen said casually.

"Nian Xuan wants to play too! The next time you play together, Nian Xuan will also play together!" Nian Xuan clapped his little hands and said.

Tang Yichen's face darkened, he coughed lightly and said, "This matter can only be played by Daddy and Mommy, you are still young, so it's not suitable for you to play with."

If he brought Nian Xuan to them, he would probably make Yao Yuxing faint.

"Then when will I be able to play?" Nian Xuan asked with his head drooping.

"When Nian Xuan grows up and meets the girl he loves, he can play with her, understand?" Tang Yichen stroked Nian Xuan's soft hair and said softly.

"Oh, it's like this." Nian Xuan nodded half-understanding, paused and said, "Then next time you play with Mommy, I'll sit by the side and watch you play, okay?" huh, Daddy?"

"Not good!" Tang Yichen's face suddenly turned as dark as a pan!

The love between him and Yao Yuxing丨love, can children watch it?Really!What's going on in this kid's head?

(End of this chapter)

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