Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 326 Handsome, Beautiful, Cute

Chapter 326 Handsome, Beautiful, Cute

"Yao Yuxing, why are you so arrogant! How arrogant are you! You are just a tool for warming the bed of brother Chen! He knows about your relationship and still keeps you by his side. You are nothing more than his short-term sexual tool. Shangguan Jinhuan raised his eyebrows and scolded coldly, "What do you really think of yourself! In my eyes, you, Yao Yuxing, are just a woman who can be ridden by others, and even let your own uncle go. I see you are really shameless!"

Although Yao Yuxing put on light makeup, her face was still very pale after hearing Shangguan Jinhuan's humiliation.

"Yao Yuxing, what is it like to have sex with your own uncle? Do you feel very exciting? If I were you, I would have no face to live in this world anymore! What a shameless bastard!"

"Miss Shangguan, please go out!" Yao Yuxing lowered his eyes and said in a low voice.

Her body was trembling slightly.

Every word Shangguan Jinhuan uttered seemed to turn into thousands of sharp arrows, piercing her heart!

"Of course I will go out, I don't want to breathe the same air as a bastard!" Before leaving, Shangguan Jinhuan warned Yao Yuxing, "Yao Yuxing, you'd better be more sensible, don't try to seduce me again Brother Chen! I will marry him in the future, and I don't want to smell like you, a bastard on him!"

"Miss Shangguan, have you eaten garlic today?" Yao Yuxing picked up the bag, and coldly passed by the unreasonable Shangguan Jinhuan, "If you don't want to go out, I'll go out!"

Anyway, she had finished her makeup, so there was no need to find trouble with Shangguan Jinhuan here.

Shangguan Jinhuan was baffled, she didn't eat garlic today, why did Yao Yuxing ask her if she had any garlic?

Shangguan Jinhuan raised his hand and breathed into the palm of his hand, there was no smell.

When she regained her composure, she turned around and cursed Yao Yuxing in a low voice: "Yao Yuxing, how dare you insult me! Stand still!"

Yao Yuxing was no fool, she quickly closed the door and locked it, then stepped on her high heels and walked downstairs.

Behind him was the sound of Shangguan Jinhuan knocking on the door and cursing in a low voice. Yao Yuxing was very happy watching this scene.

Finally gave a sigh of relief!
Although this Shangguan Jinhuan is very good, she is a famous lady from a noble family, but her brain is not very good, and she doesn't know if she is teasing her.

Seeing Yao Yuxing coming down the stairs with a smile on his mouth, Tang Yichen stood aside, looked at her, and was infected by her smile, so he asked softly, "What makes you so happy?"

When Yao Yuxing saw Tang Yichen, he quickly stopped smiling, and said seriously: "It's nothing, I just played a little joke on your fiancée, I hope you don't get angry."

"Why would I be angry?" Tang Yichen stepped forward, took her hand, pinched her pink cheek, and said in a low voice.

"You'll mess up your makeup again later!" Yao Yuxing shrugged, frowned, and said displeasedly.

"I didn't move my mouth, I don't even know how to put on this makeup." Tang Yichen approached her face and gave her a smirk.

Yao Yuxing hurriedly raised his hand, resisting his chest, frowned and said, "Stop making trouble!"

"En." Tang Yichen nodded and hummed, then left with his arms around her.

"Daddy is handsome! Mummy is beautiful!" Xiao Nianxuan clapped his little hands, and kept saying, "Xuan'er is so cute!"

Hearing this, Yao Yuxing chuckled, and then bent over to hug Nian Xuan.

But Tang Yichen stopped her. Tang Yichen took a step ahead of her, hugged Nian Xuan in his arms, held her hand in one hand, and said, "Let's go! My beautiful little girl!"

(End of this chapter)

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