Chapter 327 worth 3000
When Tang Yichen appeared at the party holding the cute Nianxuan and the beautiful Yao Yuxing on his arm, it became a dazzling sight for the audience. The photographers, even the people holding the mobile phones, couldn't help showing The camera is on the three of them.

The scene in front of me attracted the attention of many people, more and more, and the flashing lights kept flashing.

The man is handsome and unrestrained, the woman is gentle, beautiful and dignified, and the petite one is so cute that it melts everyone's heart.

This combination really made people cast a lot of envious eyes.

This good-looking couple will give birth to a cute little creature that melts people's hearts.

But, isn't this man Tang Yichen?

How could he appear with a cute baby in his arms? He looked at the woman beside him, and his deep eyes filled with waves of gentle spring water, which made people unable to take their eyes off.

And when Yao Yuxing followed Tang Yichen into the lobby of the venue, she noticed that everyone's eyes were on her, and they whispered. She knew that standing with Tang Yichen would definitely attract criticism .

She saw that all the ladies present were wearing cheongsams, and it was only then that she remembered that she was also wearing the cheongsam Tang Yichen had prepared for her.

It's just why other people's cheongsams are so bright and beautiful, and they are so sexy and beautiful.

She lowered her head and took a slight look at the cheongsam she was wearing. It was really well-behaved, with a plain ivory white color, some fine lines, and the openings on the sides of her legs were so low.

I really don't know if Tang Yichen brought her here to make a fool of himself.

"What's the matter, are you uncomfortable?" Tang Yichen saw through her thoughts, but he didn't expose, but asked with concern.

"Tang Yichen, do you really want me to make a fool of you? Didn't you say that a woman is a man's second face? Look at my clothes, they are not good enough for others." Yao Yuxing mouthed angrily.

"They have no discernment, you look good in this cheongsam." Tang Yichen praised.

"You're lying!" Yao Yuxing said in a low voice.

"I'm not going to lie to you. The cheongsam you are wearing is made by a famous teacher. Did you know that it is worth 3000 million yuan?" He specially asked a cheongsam master to customize it, and it is the only one in the world. There is no way to buy it if you want to.

When Yao Yuxing heard it, her legs softened, she heard it right!
The ragged clothes on his body are worth 3000 million?

She swallowed hard, and suddenly felt that the weight on her body was 3000 million and she couldn't move.

Tang Yichen's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he moved his big hand down suddenly, wrapping around her waist, "Does this scare you? Didn't you see that all the women looked at you with envy, jealousy and hatred?"

"Is this dress really so popular with women?" She didn't understand why these rich people like to spend money on clothes that are of little use?
3000 million, what kind of number is that?

These rich people are just stupid, and they don't know when they are tricked.

How could this dress be worth 3000 million yuan? She thought it was too expensive for her to buy it for [-] yuan.

"Tang Yichen, don't spend such wronged money on me in the future." Yao Yuxing felt sorry for the 3000 million, and Yao Yuxing must know what it feels like to wear 3000 million on his body.

"I'm happy." Tang Yichen raised the corner of his mouth and said nonchalantly.

"Tang Yichen, this clothes will be washed later, can I return it?" Yao Yuxing asked in a low voice, frowning.

"If you don't like it, you can put it in the bottom of the box, or throw it away." Tang Yichen looked at her and sighed. He wanted to please her, but he didn't expect her to show a sad face.

"Don't, don't, don't!" Yao Yuxing waved her hands hurriedly and said, she gritted her teeth and said, "I have enough in the future, don't buy me these unnecessary clothes anymore. And there are many dresses in the closet, just wear one It is all acceptable."

(End of this chapter)

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