Chapter 328 Satisfaction
"Every time I take you to an occasion, the dress cannot be repeated. If you wear it once, there is no need to wear it a second time." Tang Yichen said lightly, his women must wear the best.

"Nouveau riche!" Yao Yuxing put his arms around his straight waist, pinched him hard, and cursed in a low voice!
"Yao Yuxing, do you need to clean up!" Tang Yichen lowered his eyes, looked at her, and threatened.

Yao Yuxing quickly let go, "I didn't say anything wrong, you are an upstart! Those clothes are so new, why can't you wear them again?"

He bought a lot of clothes for her. He bought a new batch every season, and he had to ask her not to wear repeated clothes.

"Yao Yuxing, listen to me carefully." Tang Yichen's voice suddenly slowed down, "I'll introduce you to everyone later."

"Tang Yichen, don't act like this, if Grandma Tang and the others find out, they will be upset." She said hastily.

"If you stop me, aren't you afraid that I will be unhappy?" Tang Yichen raised his eyebrows and said lightly.

"I..." Yao Yuxing was about to say something, but was interrupted by a voice, the other party was speaking to Tang Yichen, "Yichen, I really didn't expect that you would treat my daughter like this, my daughter Live in your house, on this occasion, you should bring a woman who makes you look good, not a woman who makes you lose face."

This person actually came to attack and humiliate her.

Without looking at the other person's face, she knew it was Shangguan Jinhuan's father, Shangguan Ming.

"Uncle Shangguan, I never let your daughter live in my house. It was she who had the cheek to hold back. Since she likes to peep at other people's happy lives, let her live. What if she gets angry one day? What's wrong, I'm not responsible." Tang Yichen slightly tightened his big hands around Yao Yuxing's waist, telling Yao Yuxing not to be afraid.

"Tang Yichen! You!" Shangguan Ming's eyes were burning with anger, "Your taste is really strange!"

"Uncle Shangguan's taste is no less serious than mine. Your new female companion is probably younger than your daughter. Uncle Shangguan, can you satisfy people's needs? If not, you need to look at that." I can ask Du Lingheng to introduce you to a doctor." Tang Yichen snorted coldly in his heart.

After finishing speaking, he hugged Yao Yuxing and Nian Xuan and left Shangguan Ming's side.

At this time, people who were close to him cast strange glances at Shangguan Ming when they heard Tang Yichen say this.

And when Yao Yuxing heard Tang Yichen say this, she set her eyes on the girl next to Shangguanming.

Looking at that immature face, she thought that the other party was probably not much different from her age.

They are all miserable women.

Her indifferent gaze collided with the girl next to Shangguan Ming, and both of them were taken aback.

Something flashed through Yao Yuxing's mind, but it disappeared quickly.

"This Tang Yichen really doesn't take me seriously anymore! The old lady Tang still has to respect me a little bit, but this Tang Yichen is so good, he's so defiant!" Shangguan Ming was so angry that his body trembled.

"Mr. Shangguan, don't be angry." Su Qingqing persuaded Shangguan Ming gently and considerately.

Shangguan Ming raised his hand to hold the tender white hand holding his arm, and adjusted his breathing, "Qingqing, you are so gentle and considerate, I can't leave you more and more!"

After a pause, Shangguan Ming asked in a low voice, "Qingqing, tell me, have I satisfied you in that respect?"

Su Qingqing blushed when she heard the words, lowered her head shyly, and said coquettishly: "Mr. Shangguan, why are you asking me these things here?"

"Tell me, tell me, can I satisfy you?" Shangguan Ming asked.

(End of this chapter)

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