Chapter 349
Shangguan Jinxuan smiled wryly, "In the eyes of my family, apart from benefits, they only see benefits. My sister knows that even if she marries Tang Yichen, she will not be happy. Their marriage is doomed to be sad." Yes, the combination between them is nothing more than consolidating and expanding the two businesses."

Yao Yuxing was a little surprised, she looked at Shangguan Jinxuan and said, "Sorry, I misunderstood you at first, I thought you were helping your sister..."

"I'm the one who should say I'm sorry. In the beginning, I really helped my sister deal with you. I was also ordered by her to go to the back mountain of the manor to monitor your every move, and that unexpected kiss was also a My sister arranged it, but that kiss was really an accident!" Shangguan Jinxuan explained, "Oh, mygod! The more I explain, the more confused it becomes."

"It's okay, I understand. Anyway, thank you for your help tonight." Yao Yuxing pursed his lips and chuckled.

"Then take care of yourself, call me if you have anything to do, I'll go back first." Shangguan Jinxuan looked at Yao Yuxing reluctantly.

"Then drive carefully on the road." Yao Yuxing said to Shangguan Jinxuan, "By the way, don't tell your family what happened today, I'm afraid they might misunderstand."

"Don't worry, I will." Shangguan Jinxuan said, and said goodbye to Nianxuan, "Nianxuan, Uncle Shangguan is leaving first, and I will come to see you tomorrow."

"Goodbye, Uncle Shangguan." Nian Xuan waved his little hand.

After Shangguan Jinxuan left, Yao Yuxing told Nian Xuan a story to lull him to sleep.

But the same hospital, different buildings, and high-end VIP wards on the same floor have an unusually strange atmosphere.

"Yichen, where are you going!" Grandma Tang asked weakly as she lay on the hospital bed.

"Grandma, lie here well, I'll go find Yao Yuxing and Nianxuan first." At the same time as Tang Yichen's voice sounded, the thunder outside also sounded.

What Yao Yuxing is most afraid of is the time of thunder.

He still remembers a rainy night three years ago, when there was a gap between the two of them, and she seemed to be very afraid of him, as long as he touched her, she would be afraid, not a single night, after they fell in love, She always carried him behind her back, hiding far away and sleeping.

But there was a rainy night, when there was thunder, she was so frightened that she hid in his arms, actively hugged his body tightly, seeking a sense of security, as long as the thunder sounded, her body would tremble violently, and when he stretched out When he hugged her tightly, her body relaxed from the tension, and the fear hidden in her heart also quietly receded.

Whenever there was a thunderstorm on a rainy night, she would take the initiative to approach him and regard him as a patron saint.

He didn't see the weather forecast before he went out. He didn't know that there would be a typhoon tonight, and there was thunder and thunder outside. The thunder was so loud that the windows shook a few times.

He doesn't know where she and her son are now, he must find her as soon as possible, if not for him, he doesn't even know how scared she will be!
Grandma suddenly had high blood pressure and cut her wrist again. He was so frightened that he had to put down Yao Yuxing and send grandma to the nearest hospital.

After he wanted to settle grandma down, he turned back to look for Yao Yuxing.

"Grandma is lying on the bed now, do you still have the mood to care about other women?" Grandma Tang looked pale and looked at Tang Yichen weakly, "If you go out, don't call me grandma anymore!"

"Mom, don't talk like this! Tang Yichen didn't want to be like this. It was that woman who didn't know what she did to Yichen, making Yichen seem to lose his soul every day." Mother Tang hurriedly stepped forward to face Tang Grandma said, "Mom, your blood pressure has soared again, don't get excited anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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