Chapter 350
Tang's mother said, then turned to Tang Yichen and said, "Yichen, why are you treating grandma like this? Didn't you see that grandma was so angry with you that she was admitted to the hospital! That woman has hands and feet, and she doesn't understand Looking for a place to hide?"

"Mom, it's this time, and you still say such things! It is because of your presence that you scare her away!" Tang Yichen called the big manor first after finishing everything, but the servant said no. Seeing Yao Yuxing go back.

This silly woman, where can she go if she doesn't go back to the manor?
So, all he had to do was drive back to see where she was.If she was nearby, he believed he would find her soon.

"Yichen, don't say grandma won't let you go to her, I won't let you out either! Didn't you see a typhoon blowing outside! A typhoon of magnitude [-]! Why don't you think about the danger! So A severe typhoon, I think if Yao Yuxing has a brain, he will find a place to avoid it! You should not go out and take this risk!" Mother Tang said sternly.

"Don't you know how to reflect on what you did wrong! If Yao Yuxing has any troubles, we can't get rid of it!" Tang Yichen looked at Grandma Tang and said: "Grandma, no matter what, she is from your Cen family , Hurt her like this, are you really not sad at all?"

"What's so sad about us, you can tell by looking at her mother that they are here for revenge! Our Cen family has never acknowledged their existence!" Grandma Tang snorted coldly, "Tang Yichen, if you go out like this , if something happens to that woman, I will definitely not forgive her!"

Tang Yichen looked at his family members coldly, and said coldly: "It's because of the typhoon that I want to find her all the more! I can't sit here with fear!"

Tang Yichen said, turning around coldly.

"Just because of a woman, you even left grandma behind, don't you! Do you want to piss grandma to death!"

Grandma Tang growled, but a cold figure responded to her.

"Tang Yichen, come back!" Grandma Tang wanted to get out of bed excitedly, "What are you waiting for! A typhoon of category [-] is coming! How could you let Tang Yichen go out and die for that woman!"

"Mom, don't get excited, just lie down and don't move!" Mother Tang hurriedly stopped Grandma Tang from moving.

"Then go quickly! What are you still doing!" Grandma Tang was also scared!

"Okay, I'll go out right now!" Mother Tang supported Grandma Tang to lie down, and said to Tang Ziyao who was beside her, "Ziyao, take care of Grandma!"

"Oh..." Tang Ziyao stood aside, her mind was full of Tang Yichen's cold expression and indifferent words.

When she saw her brother give her love and care to other women, her heart was bleeding. Could it be that even the brother who loves her the most doesn't want her?
Yao Yuxing...why is it you again!

"Grandma, I will definitely kill her...hahaha..." Tang Ziyao gritted her teeth, and she broke the hands and feet of the doll in her hand.

Seeing Tang Ziyao's appearance like this, Grandma Tang's heart was shocked, and she was frightened by Tang Ziyao's behavior.

"Ziyao, you don't have to do this. Grandma doesn't want you to have trouble. Grandma will definitely find a way to punish this woman who hurt you." Grandma Tang took Tang Ziyao's hand and said to her.

"Grandma is the best for me." Tang Ziyao squatted down and lay on Grandma Tang's body as she spoke.

Mother Tang chased him out, but when she chased him out, Tang Yichen had already driven away.She rushed into the rain, was scared by a thunder and quickly hid back.

Seeing Tang Yichen's car leaving quickly, Tang's mother was full of worry!
The hospital is reporting about the typhoon, but Tang Yichen wants to go out to find Yao Yuxing at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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