Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 354 He is hugging a woman

Chapter 354 He is hugging a woman

As soon as Tang's mother saw Tang Yichen's car, she quickly followed, but Tang Yichen got out of the car with a woman in his arms, with a serious expression on his face.

And Yao Yuxing and Ye Kaiwen, who came down from the pediatric department, arrived at the hospital lobby at this time.

Yao Yuxing saw Tang Yichen who was drenched all over at a glance, almost at the same time, their eyes collided in the air, and she even saw the worried look in Tang Yichen's eyes, and a touch of life when they touched her eyes anger.

And Tang Yichen is holding a woman in his arms at this moment!
The woman's head was bleeding profusely, spreading all over her face.

"Mr. Tang! Hurry up, put the wounded down! We have to give her first aid right away!" Seeing Tang Yichen holding the wounded in place, the doctor hurried forward and said worriedly.

It took Tang Yichen a few seconds to look back, and it became cold and strange.

"Yichen, are you okay! You're going to scare mom to death!" Mother Tang stepped forward, circled around Tang Yichen twice, looked at Tang Yichen and asked, Mother Tang was still worried, and said to the doctor: "Doctor, first show my son where the injury is!"

Mother Tang also saw Qin Suya on the surgery cart, she didn't understand how Qin Suya was with Tang Yichen?Didn't Tang Yichen go out to find Yao Yuxing, why did he hug the injured Qin Suya?

Could it be that the nurse said just now that a female celebrity was injured in order to save someone, and it was Qin Suya who saved Tang Yichen?How can this be?How could this woman save Yichen?
Tang Yichen frowned, and said to Tang's mother, "Mom, didn't you see Qin Suya lying on the bed?"

As he said that, the doctor supported the side of the operating trolley and said to the doctor, "Doctor, save her!"

Mother Tang turned around, and when her eyes followed Tang Yichen's figure, she saw the woman she least wanted to see, Yao Yuxing.

Why is Yao Yuxing here?

"Tang Yichen..." Yao Yuxing's voice was very soft, and he slightly raised his heavy hand to Tang Yichen, trying to stop him.

At this moment, how much she wanted to fall into his arms and hold him tightly!
Does he know how she survived this period of time!The thunder was so loud just now, how scared she was alone, only when she thought of his hug in the past, the fear in her heart would be reduced a lot.

Tang Yichen walked past her indifferently, even ignoring her words!
"Tang Yichen!" Yao Yuxing looked at Tang Yichen's leaving figure, his heart sank, and he hurriedly chased after him.

But the next moment, she was pulled back.

"Yao Yuxing, what on earth are you trying to do! Do you know that you almost killed Yichen! Even though you are here, don't you know how to tell Yichen that he is safe? Because of you, he risked the typhoon and went out to find him along the way. You! But you are good, hiding here in the hospital and having sex with other men!" Mother Tang's cold voice came, and she looked back and forth at Yao Yuxing and Ye Kaiwen with sarcasm, "Yao Yuxing, you are really You are capable enough, you can even know a man like Ye Kaiwen!"

Mother Tang said, and left from Yao Yuxing.

Before leaving, Mother Tang pointed at Yao Yuxing and warned, "I tell you, you'd better disappear in Tang Yichen's world forever! Don't pollute his world again! You really think Yichen loves you?" ?He went out to find you, but did you see who the woman he was hugging just now? That was his ex-girlfriend. Seeing that Qin Suya's life was in danger, he would rather give up looking for you and send her here! It shows that you are nothing in Yichen's heart!"

Seeing the colorful expressions on Yao Yuxing's face, he left with satisfaction.

(End of this chapter)

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