Chapter 355 Nothing
When Yao Yuxing heard this, her body trembled slightly, she was a little untenable, she felt that Tang Mu's words were out of anger, but seeing him hugging Qin Suya with a worried expression on his face, she couldn't help but Not admitting that what Tang's mother said was sincere.

Perhaps, in his mind, there really was nothing.

She raised her beautiful eyes full of water vapor and watched him disappear around the corner. She suddenly fell to the ground, raised her hands, covered her face, and wept softly.

Tang Yichen followed behind the doctor and nurse, and as soon as he turned a corner, he entered the glass elevator.

Where he was standing, as long as he looked down, he could see the lobby.

His eyes couldn't help looking in the direction of the lobby.

However, Tang Yichen saw her fall to the ground and being embraced by another man, he frowned, and an inexplicable uncomfortable feeling surged up in his heart, impacting his visual nerves!

He braved the danger of a typhoon to find her outside, but she was lucky enough to accompany other men in the hospital, and even went in and out in pairs!Wouldn't she think about how much he worried about her for him, wouldn't she know how to make a call to her mobile phone?

Where did this woman put his feelings for her?
For her, he almost wanted to turn against his family members, and even left his grandma who suffered from high blood pressure and was injured to go out to find her, but what about her?After leaving the restaurant, he didn't give him a call, which made him worried because he couldn't find her.

When he was looking for Yao Yuxing, Qin Suya appeared there, and he was a little shocked. With such a strong typhoon, where did Qin Suya go to do?
It wasn't until Qin Suya desperately blocked the billboard that fell down for him that he realized that maybe Qin Suya appeared there because of him.

His hands, standing sideways, were slightly clenched into fists.

And the next moment, his fist was touched by a cold touch, he regained his composure, looked down, and saw Qin Suya reaching out to hold his hand.

He didn't know how to react, but just relying on his feeling, he slightly loosened his clenched fist, allowing Qin Suya to reach out and hold his hand.

"Yichen...I'm in so much pain..." Qin Suya looked at Tang Yichen, feeling pain even speaking, "I'm afraid I won't see you again..."

Tang Yichen lowered his eyes, looked at Qin Suya indifferently, and finally said nothing. As soon as the elevator opened, the doctors and nurses quickly pushed Qin Suya into the operating room.

And Qin Suya tightly held onto Tang Yichen's fingers, unwilling to let go, tears slid down her face, "Yichen, if I die, will you be sad for me?"

"Qin Suya, stop talking nonsense, you still have a lot of future ahead, the doctor won't let you get into trouble." Tang Yichen pulled her hand away and let the nurse push her in.

The moment the operating room door closed, Qin Suya burst into tears because she didn't get the answer she wanted.

Tang Yichen stood outside the operating room, glanced at the bright red letters, closed his eyes heavily, and leaned against the wall with an expression of indifference.

"Yichen, is it really Qin Suya who saved you? Why are you two together? Didn't you go out to find Yao Yuxing? How did you end up with Qin Suya?" Mother Tang came over and asked worriedly, " Are you hurt anywhere? Let mom see."

Tang Yichen suddenly opened his eyes, looked at Tang's mother coldly, sighed slightly, and said impatiently to his mother: "Mom, if it wasn't for your unreasonable troubles and coming to cause damage, any of us would be fine! Now we have to clean up Everyone is injured, can't you all stop!"

Mother Tang was startled at first, looking at Tang Yichen in a daze, but didn't know what to say.

(End of this chapter)

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