Chapter 358 Take it for granted
"Ye Kaiwen, thank you. My mother and I are home everywhere. Wherever I go to school is where we live. I don't know many people here, but I saved you, so it's only natural that I called you just now. I really think that you will help me find him unconditionally." Yao Yuxing suppressed tears, his shoulders were still trembling slightly, "I'm sorry, I used you."

"Silly girl! As I said, you are my savior. You can take my life back at any time! Let alone helping you with such an insignificant matter." Ye Kaiwen took Yao Yuxing's shoulder lightly, stroking Holding her shoulder, "Xiaoyu, I am willing to be your emotional substitute. If Tang Yichen can't give you enough security, I can replace him, love you, love you."

Yao Yuxing's heart trembled when she heard this, she bit her lips lightly, "It's too late, even if I don't have a good result with him, I can't accept another man anymore."

If she leaves Tang Yichen, her heart will be hollowed out, and she will even become a body without a soul.

How could she take a body to hurt other men?
"Xiaoyu, I don't mind!" Ye Kaiwen hugged Yao Yuxing excitedly instead, "Did you know that there is a high possibility of accidents when I encounter a turbulence in the sky today! It was you who suddenly appeared in my mind and let me I calmed down, because I was thinking that you were still on land, how could I leave you without fully entering your eyes?"

"So I told myself, whether it's for everyone's safety or for you, I will land alive!"

Yao Yuxing stared blankly at Ye Kaiwen, "Ye Kaiwen, I only saved you once, you don't have to be so nice to me."

"I am willing to do this, and I have lived for so long, and even met different women, no one can attract my thoughts forever like you." Ye Kaiwen said with a smile to Yao Yuxing, "I won't Because there was some awkwardness between you, I took advantage of it, and I won't force you to respond when you don't fully accept me. Later, I will explain it to Tang Yichen."

It is beneficial for Tang Yichen to misunderstand Yao Yuxing.But he couldn't bear to see her sad because of Tang Yichen's indifference.

He also had a brief understanding of the Tang family's attitude towards Yao Yuxing. Her situation in the Tang family was absolutely unbearable for anyone.

She was with Tang Yichen, not for his family wealth, but for being able to be with him.

But the members of the Tang family obstructed them in every possible way.

Yao Yuxing left Ye Kaiwen's arms, picked up a handkerchief and wiped away tears, then walked towards Tang Yichen and the nurse.

She stood outside the room, and after a while, the nurse came out.

"Nurse, how is he?" Yao Yuxing asked.

"Miss, we don't have enough manpower right now. I'm going to take the blood to the operating room. Take care of Mr. Tang for me and bring him some warm salt water to drink." After the nurse explained, she ran away.

After Yao Yuxing watched the nurse leave, she pushed her away and walked in.

Tang Yichen was lying on the hospital bed with his eyes closed.

But in the air filled with disinfectant, he could still discern the faint fragrance of her body mixed in the air.

"What are you doing here, go out." Tang Yichen said coldly before she approached.

After the blood was drawn, Tang Yichen felt dizzy and his lips turned pale.

He stopped her, because he didn't want her to see him in a mess.

Yao Yuxing bit her lip, stepped forward, poured him a glass of salt water, brought it to him, and helped him to sit up, "Yichen, the nurse asked me to take care of you."

(End of this chapter)

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