Chapter 359 Answer me!
Tang Yichen opened his eyes suddenly, staring at her coldly, "What about you? Did you voluntarily stay and take care of me!"

Yao Yuxing became frightened by his cold gaze, she tightened her hand holding the water glass slightly, and looked at him timidly, "You drink water first..."

"Answer me!" Tang Yichen shouted coldly.

Yao Yuxing shuddered, but didn't react immediately, the anger in his eyes hurt her heart.

"I'm worried about you." Yao Yuxing looked at him and said slightly.

"Worried about me? If you were worried about me, you wouldn't be making out with other men here!" Tang Yichen snorted and said coldly.

He still couldn't erase the image of Ye Kaiwen holding her shoulders and embracing her in his arms from his mind!

"How can you blame me! If it wasn't for the sudden appearance of your family that frightened Nian Xuan, would I take him away first?" When Yao Yuxing said, a flash of sadness flashed in his eyes, "Nian Xuan is innocent, you How can I let other people scold him?"

Besides, in that situation, she had to leave!
If not, his family will make things difficult for him again, and even threaten him to do something he doesn't want.

Tang Yichen remained silent, looked at her deeply for a while, then propped up half of his body, hugged Yao Yuxing into his arms, hugged her tightly, and buried his head in her hair.

"Yao Yuxing! You are a little devil sent by the heavens to punish me!" Tang Yichen hugged her tightly, his voice choked with sobs, "Do you know how I wish you would appear in front of me when there is thunder and rain , let me hold you tightly, I am so afraid that you will feel helpless and scared with Nian Xuan alone!"

"I told myself, I must find you before the typhoon comes! If something happens to you because of me, I will never forgive myself in my life!"

When Tang Yichen was talking, it seemed that the strength of holding her tightly was not enough, and he hugged her a little tighter!

That strength seemed to embed her whole body into his life!
Yao Yuxing's body froze, and his low and hoarse choking voice could be heard next to her ears. When she heard it, her heart softened, and she shed tears unexpectedly, and the cup in her hand fell to the ground in response.

She reached out to hug his body and sincerely apologized, "Tang Yichen, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left without saying a word. I'm sorry for making you worry!"

"Don't do this kind of thing that scares me again!"

"Okay..." Yao Yuxing replied with a choked voice, and she also hugged Tang Yichen vigorously, smelling his breath, her heavy and bewildered heart also settled down at this moment.

As long as she owns Tang Yichen, she owns the whole world!

However, she dared not tell him this love, nor could she say it out loud!
Because she understands that the relationship between herself and him is just a flash in the pan, and he will finally let go of her and Nianxuan, and live a beautiful life with other women, instead of living this painful life with her.

They have to live in pain every day, and both of them seem to be indifferent on the surface, but only they know how much bitterness is hidden in each other's hearts.

Want to be together, but can not be accepted by outsiders.

So she always remembered his promise and his oath, but she didn't dare to hope that it would last forever, let alone tell him what she wanted.

"Yao Yuxing! Don't even think about being with other men! Even if I don't want you anymore, you will always be my Tang Yichen's woman, and no one can touch you!" Tang Yichen said domineeringly, "Did you hear that?"

"Okay..." Yao Yuxing was sobbing.

(End of this chapter)

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